Pictures, Part 2

I actually didn't originally title the last post full of pictures (I just went back and edited both that post and this one today: 2/13/14), but it's part two anyway. I've got quite a few posts in draft to finish, but for now, just so I can post something without it taking a whole lot of concentration and organization, here's another peek into what I've been making recently (notice I said "peek." This one has only five pics). 'Cause I know y'all were just dying to know;) By the way, you won't "get" some of these unless you've seen certain movies. Okay. Enough talking. Here you go. (By the way, I have a LOT more POTO pictures to share as well, but I think I'll save them for my POTO post. Oh, yes, that's coming soon;) And it will be , haha, um, lengthy , shall we say;))