LOTR: The Return of the King movie review

I do apologize for the delay in getting this review out, m'dears. I got busy with school and such, and then - hurrah! - Dad let me create my own little blog:) But regardless, I have returned, to inundate you with more of my entertaining opinions on this trilogy:) The last installment opens with the tragic account of how Sméagol morphed into Gollum. I have not seen that entire thing, since apparently he gets slightly creepy, and as y’all know, I get scared easily. I have now, however, watched both Shelob and the green ghost army. I’ll get to them. I think that for this last review of the LOTR trilogy I shall only go over certain parts, like those of the utmost importance, or those that I especially like or dislike:) So here goes. Pippin's curiosity regarding Saruman's palantir leads to trouble - but as we all know, curiosity often does;) Gandalf sets out for Gondor to warn that creep Deneth...