A Look at the Wardrobe of...{an Evenstar}

I've happened upon a new idea for a blog series, that I'm planning on keeping in the back of my mind for those times when I'm suffering for a good post idea. In this new series, I will pick a movie character whose wardrobe I particularly enjoy or think interesting, and I'll devote a blog post to the analyzation of each character's wardrobe. Sound fun? Alrighty then, let's get started!:D First on the list to be examined is Arwen Undomiel, who, aside from being my favorite female character in The Lord of the Rings , also possesses my favorite movie wardrobe. I'm making this up as I go along, but I suppose I shall just jump into examining Arwen's dresses. #1: The White Dress Pictures for this one were kind of hard to find, so…I do apologize:-/ This dress is beautiful and simple, folds of white cloth draped tastefully, accessorized by a gorgeous necklace;) This outfit is very soft and lovely and is very well-suited to the scene...