"Words Are Life"

Yes…indeed they are:) (Shameless plug for The Book Thief , because I just finished reading it and you need to obtain a copy as soon as is humanly possible. But, ahem, more on that later.) As I am having trouble finding inspiration for a post, I thought I'd just let whoever happens to be reading this have a peek at my reading aspirations for the summer. I'll admit, I haven't been able to plow through all the books I have planned as quickly as I thought I would. I suppose I read more slowly than I used to (can't think why…), in addition to the longer books, and all the other *ahem* pressing demands on my time in the summer *cough* like Leverage and movie nights and the ongoing obsession with LotR *cough* . But anyway, here's just a little glimpse at what I've already completed this summer (and my thoughts thereon), and what I hope to complete before school starts back up. (Note: This list will be shortened considerably, for reason's sake:D) ...