A Look at the Wardrobe of…{a Persian queen}

The costumes in One Night with the King are stunning, particularly those of Hadassah (or Esther, whichever you prefer).  She actually wears so many different outfits that I'm picking my top five for the sake of conciseness.

So here we go!:D

The Royal Blue dress:

Gorgeous.  It sort of reflects the passion and sadness of the scene.  

The Rosebud dress:

Don't you dare laugh at my title;)  So anyways, the gown.  A little pink, perhaps, but beautiful.  (By the by, I aDORE all of Hadassah's headdresses!)

The Multi-colored dress:

Okay, to be fair, it's difficult to come up with good titles for these dresses!xD  This is the dress Hadassah wears when she receives the news of the plot to assassinate Xerxes, if I am correct, and I love it.  This actress can really pull off any outfit, it seems.

The Reading dress:

You can't see it very well in this picture, but this is a very pretty dress.  I love the simplicity of it, but then the gorgeous sequin work down the seams.

The Chess-game dress:

(At least, I think that's what they were doing in that scene.)  This is my favorite of Hadassah's gowns.  The combination of that stunning blue with silver detailing is a show-stopper for me.  

So there you are:)  There's my personal low-down on Hadassah's dresses.  All of her outfits are lovely, and the fact that there are so many of them is delightful!


  1. I am not a fan of this era, and I normally don't really like the fashion, but you almost change my mind. Heehee, I love the way you name your dresses - I always give dresses in my wardrobe posts weird names - especially the Rosebud dress. Hadassah has some lovely dresses... very unique and very exotic. My favourite is the 'Multicoloured dress.' As I said, I normally don't really like dresses of this era, but I loved the ones in this post. Good job! I always love costume posts! :-)

  2. Thanks! Yes, normally these kinds of costumes aren't the best, but I do think they did an excellent job in this movie:)

    I also love the multi-colored dress! And her headdresses. Hearts them!


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