Announcements and reminders and gifs, oh my!

Howdy, peeps.

First of all, since yesterday evening, I can officially say that I have read Tolkien's The Silmarillion!  That probably sounds inconsequential, but trust me, it was a big thing for me to accomplish (because it's not exactly bite-sized and it IS a little, ahem, dry in parts).  Let's talk about it, those of you who've read it!:D


The Great Book Giveaway Bonanza (instigated by Hamlette) draweth nigh.  In precisely six days, I'll (hopefully) be giving away some books/memorabilia.  I'm not sure how popular my selections will be, since I'm rather fond of most of my books ;-P , but I'll do my best.  Stay tuned, and check out Hamlette's blog for more details!

Third, two gifs to brighten your day:)

I saw this on Naomi's blog and promptly stole it.  Because look at it!!!!!!!

Because I've been rewatching My Fair Lady recently, and have I mentioned lately that I absolutely love Henry Higgins?  'Cause I do.  But anyway, that's another discussion for another time.  Maybe a review?;)


  1. The Silmarillion is quite an accomplishment I agree and yes it is dry in parts. I did enjoy it but I like LOTR, The Hobbit, and The Children of Húrin better. If you liked the story of Turin Turimbar in The Silmarillion, The Children of Húrin is a longer version of it and I really like it. :)

    1. Yup! LotR will always be my favorite of his books, I think:) Oh, yes--I actually didn't read all of the Turin story because I knew it was in The Children of Húrin, so I figured if just read it later:D

    2. I felt so bad for Húrin, though! Oh my word, the poor guy...

    3. I tried once to read the Children of Hurin. That is definitely a perfect example of when fantasy is just too much for me to read. I seriously couldn't even get past the first few pages! I don't know how people do it. My brain just wont work that way, taking in all those fantasy made up names and places. I can't keep anything straight.

    4. I understand! Frankly, I'm not sure that I'll be able to make it through CoH either;) At any rate, I doubt I'll be trying anytime soon.

  2. I'm not participating in the big-giveaway-bonanza because shippings are a bit out of my price range, due to where I live and all. But I hope to enter some giveaways - the ones that go world-wide. :-)

    WHAT, OLIVIA?!!! You LIKE 'Enry 'Iggins?!!! I find him a superbly funny character - the way he SAYS things - but as a character I personally find him most disagreeable. I would HATE to share a house with him and I pity the life out of Eliza. But he's GREAT fun to watch. I do love it when he 'loses.'

    What a coincidence! I watched My Fair Lady last week. I just love it.

    I'm glad you stole "my" Roman Holiday gif - because that means I can look at it AGAIN. AWW I LOVES IT.

    ~ Naomi

    1. Ugh, I know. Why must everything be so expensive?! I'm only going to be able to offer to US residents, which makes me sad:'(

      Haha, yup, I do. I love 'im;) I'll probably go into the whys and wherefores if/when I post a review:) However, you've got a point--he IS a dreadful person, basically, and yeah, I'd probably hate sharing a house with him too. Yet for some reason I still adore the character. I'll go into it more later, as I said:D

      Meeee tooooo--it's such a happy gif;)

  3. Congrats on finishing that book! I can see how that would be quite an accomplishment, even just in the fact that you are such a LOTR fan!

    1. Hana, thanks! Yes, it was:D I was talking with one of my uncles (who's also a Tolkien geek), and he was urging me to read it. I think his words were, "you can't get your geek badge until you read The Silmarillion!" XD

  4. I am trying to figure out why my icon always shows the blogger thingy in comments when I have added a photo to my profile account part a really long time ago. It kind of annoys me every time I see it!

    1. Hmmm...I think I fixed it. Apparently that photo wasn't there anymore? The photo I used before still shows up on blogs that I follow, where they have followers show by their profile photos, so I am confused. O-well. I added another photo and hopefully that will right the weirdness.

    2. That's really irritating...oh, yay, you fixed it! Yeah, I don't know why it was malfunctioning like that...

  5. Yay! I'm actually reading it too! Mum gave me her copy to read... xD
    I love Henry Higgens too.. probably cause I had to play him in drama when we did the production.. ah the joys of all girl schools

    1. Awesome! I hope you like it:D
      Oh my word. In all seriousness…I really want to play Henry Higgins someday XD I have no idea why…except that he's just SUCH a terrific character. You lucky thing, you;)

    2. It's SUPER amazing!
      And mmhmm! So did I! I was having so much fun striding about the stage my hair all pinned up so it looked like this
      Twas Awesome!!


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