So this happened

Okay, let's not talk about how ridiculously indecisive I am, and how I did that whole post asking you all to give me your advice on headers when I ended up not using any of them.  That is, I'm pretty sure I'll be using my more fall-ish header a little later, and I'm waiting for an opportunity to use Naomi's Elizabeth Gaskell header (because it makes me really happy), but I felt like neither exactly fit August well enough, and being the fickle person that I am, voilĂ !  Yet another look.  I have a feeling this one will last until possibly the end of September, and then I'll switch to my "deep autumn" header.



  1. I like it! Is it from a book? (If it is I should probably know that). :D

    1. Thanks, Meredith! Heehee, it's from the 2004 movie version of The Phantom of the Opera--not my favorite, but I do love that picture:D

  2. I love every header you make. :-) The end. You're so good. :-)

    1. Oh, thank you, Naomi! What a flatterer you are;D

  3. Very pretty! Though I could have totally put up with the western one for a while longer...but that's right, we weren't going to talk about how ridiculously indecisive you are. ;-D

    1. Haha, thanks, Emma! Yeeeaaaah...probably best if we don't talk about it, hehe;-P My
      mother said she liked the sunflowers on the other one just yesterday, so...I dunno. We'll see:D

  4. Looooooooooooooooooooveeeeeeeee ittttttttttt! =D

    1. Probably because it's coughphantomcough

    2. or not.. although I didn't like the movie that much. It was ok :D

    3. *big smiles* Thanks, Evie!! :D Haha, yeah--that version isn't my favorite, but I like the picture a lot:)


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