All you have to do is say "BBC Robin Hood tag . . ."

Lately, I've been privileged to get to know MovieCritic . We've been bonding over the pain of BBC Robin Hood , dontcha know :D Go check out the blog -- it's great! Well, "we now come to the point," MovieCritic has recently tagged me for a BBC RH tag! WELL. You know me ;) Thanks so much, MovieCritic! I really appreciate the tag! Now, as I understand it, this tag was originally created by Rachel at A Girl's Place and it has no specific rules; tagging is optional. Let's get on to the questions! 'Ware spoilers! 1. What's your favourite season? Like Ruth said in her answers , I'd probably have to go with season two, even though the ending is Very Not Okay. In S2, the quality of the show had improved, but it was still NOT TORN ALL TO PIECES BECAUSE OF A CERTAIN PERSON'S DEATH mildly emotionally handle-able. However, I do actually like S3, I think . . . because, after all, Guy and Robi...