Brave Enough {by Nicole Unice}

[I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review from Tyndale Publishers.]

"Here's a not-so-hidden secret:  We are all a little scared."  When I read those words on the back cover of this relatively thin devotional book (which cover, by the by, is gorgeous), I thought, Ooh.  This should be good.  And it was!

I normally wouldn't request a nonfiction book to review, but I'm glad I requested this one.  While it is written for adult women, and thus I couldn't relate to, say, things to do with motherhood, I found it pretty durned relatable otherwise.

This book sort of reminded me of "Anne of Green Gables," My Daughter, & Me, as well as Perfectly Unique, in terms of writing style.  It was funny at times, touching at times, and it was powerful.

I can definitely see myself re-reading this many times (and annotating).  I'd also like to recommend it to my mother! :)

It talks about being "brave enough" to truly trust God, to be ourselves, and to be the best version of ourselves, that God wants us to be.  It ranged from trust to forgiveness to personal limits to conflict, and was very insightful.  

Here are some particularly good bits: 

"One particular Sunday night [at youth group] started off no differently than any other.  The students streamed in the front door in all their dyed-hair, ball-cap-backward, short-skirt, selfie-taking glory."

"We put limits on ourselves, fueled by self-doubt, all the time...We see mountains where God sees speed bumps.  We see oceans where God sees puddles.  But if He's calling you to climb that mountain or cross that ocean, He will sustain you for the task."

"You are part of His plan A for bringing His love to the world, for working His plan of rescue, for restoring dignity and worth to all human beings."

"Perhaps God has given us two great gifts--great capacity and great fragility...God, in His great love for us, invites us to live as the people we are, not the people we want to be.  He invites us to know both the power of the treasure we hold within us as the dwelling place of Christ and the fragility of the jar of clay in which the treasure rests. He invites us to run free within our boundaries while honoring our limits."

"Am I finding joy, wonder, and whimsy in my days?  Nothing shows more trust in God's plan than the ability to laugh during the day, find wonder in the small things, and celebrate the silly and whimsical in the world."

One quote towards the end of the book, I even made into a little poster to put on the back of my door.  See?

Overall, I highly recommend this book!  


  1. Oh, this book sounds really good! :D I like the sounds of it...
    I loved the last two quotes you wrote, especially. They're gems. <3
    Wow, your writing is really cool! I loved how you did the emboldened, large words. They're very pretty. :)
    ~Miss Meg

    1. It was really good! Yes, aren't those quotes loverly? Aww, thanks, I appreciate that ;)

  2. Well, if it's anything like Anne of Green Gables, My Daughter & Me , I want to read it. :-)

    1. Yes! I mean, the subject matter is nothing whatever like AoGGMD&M, but the writing style is sort of similar(ish) :D

  3. This sounds really good, Olivia. I like the quote you put on your door. " I claim that 'apart from you I have no good thing'" Wow. That is an excellent thing to be reminded of every day. I also like the second and last quotes you included in the list. Those are really good. Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. It was! Aww, thank you for commenting, Miss March :)

  4. Sounds beautiful! I'm so happy you were able to get so much out of it :-)

    That stuff about actually being "brave" in order to really TRUST God is so true. Reminds me a little of something Pope John Paul II once said: "Be not afraid. Open wide the doors to Christ." I think about that a lot, because it really speaks to me, somehow.


      Isn't it? Oh, wow. That quote is really powerful, thank you for sharing it!

  5. I MUST check thout. I've heard a bit about it from around the good ol' interweb, and if you recommend it, then it must be good. ;)

    1. *blushes* Daww, thanks. Yes, you should check it out! It's quite good :)


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