"The only healthy way to live, as I see it, is to learn to like all the little everyday things."

~ Getting a little stuffed bear at your choir's secret Valentine exchange and naming him Herbert Pocket because you just finished reading Great Expectations

~ The ending of the book Christy--every single time

~ Unreasonably shipping Henry Gowen and Elizabeth Staunton (don't you dare judge me, Lizzy)

~ Mentally pairing future profile pictures with future headers

~ Raindrops falling on a puddle like tinkling little musical notes

~ Trying, with a friend, to unravel the intricacies of Luke Goss's portrayal of King Xerxes in One Night with the King and finally settling on the verdict that he's basically a lovable, flawed puppy

~ Songs like this one, or this one

~ Sunrises with God

~ The ridiculous hilarity that is The Man Who Knew Too Little

~ Looking blissfully forward to spring and summer and outdoor explorations and sunshiny books

~ Planning a blogiversary post for October

~ Words like 'gossamer'

~ That feeling of accomplishment when you actually wake up early

~ Not abhorring chemistry to quite the degree you were expecting

~ Chatting about the new movie Hail, Caesar! with this girl

~ Tom Cruise's smile after he says the line, "You're a corker, Shannon--what a corker you are"

~ The (not really) agony of envisioning a PERFECT movie adaptation of the book In My Father's House

~ Playing Apples to Apples with a group of girlfriends you don't get to see very often

~ Imagining beautiful fanvids that you don't actually know how to make

~ Anticipating reading your first Siri Mitchell, Flirtation Walk, as soon as it arrives from the nice blogger exchange people

~ Designing bookmarks

~ The look of a sheet of paper filled with handwriting

~ This verse:  "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do:  Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (emphasis added)

~ All the nice little things, as Anne Shirley says in a quote Miss Meg recently sent me


  1. Ahhhhhhhhh . . . this was so beautiful to read! It made me feel all lovely and contented inside :)

    1. Aww! I'm so glad, Rosie--it accomplished its goal, then :)

  2. All the warm fuzzies are attacking me right now! I absolutely, positively ADORE this post <333 Oh my goodness, and I clicked on the link to the Cozi Zuehlsdorff song. It was SUCH an amazing song! I literally teared up while listening to it.

    Love your beautiful post, darling! <3

    1. Dawww *blushes* THANKS, GIRL!

      Eeeeesh, I know, isn't that song of Cozi's beautimous? Wowza wowza. I've had it in my head off and on for over a week--it's great :D

      Thanks, love! <3

  3. This was really sweet, and now I'm in a good mood 'cuz I'm thinking about all the things I have to be thankful for. :)

    1. Oh, yay! I'm so glad it brightened your day, Laura :D It really does help to just start thinking about all the little things, doesn't it?

  4. THESE POSTS ARE LOVELY. Oliviaaaaa. "Mentally pairing future profile pictures with future headers" <<< *whispers* I do that too.

    Ohh, gossamer!! I like the sound of THAT. (What does it mean? *looks it up* OHHH. It's my NEW favourite word.)

    Haha, Emma's going to comment on the 'You're a corker, Shannon' quote. Jus' you wait and see.

    1. Waaaawww, thanks, Naomi :D (You do that too?! It really takes some time, once you start thinking about it.)

      Isn't it beautimous?!

      Haha, oh, I know. I'm expecting her to ;D

  5. Aww, you named your stuffed bear Herbert Pocket? That's sweet. I remember I always liked Herbert, but it's been a while since I read the book so I can't quite remember what he's like anymore. I need to give it a reread. By the way, what did you think of Great Expectations? Did you like it?

    A blog post for October?! My goodness! You don't waste any time!! I can't wait to read it. :)

    This was a sweet post, Olivia. I liked it. :)

    ~Miss March

    1. Haha, I did! Yeah, I loved Herbert :) I did like GE--which kind of surprised me, since I was skeptical going into it. Bleak House is still probably my favorite Dickens story, but this one was nice and interesting :) What did you think of it?

      Haha! Yes, well, it's gonna be kind of long, so I'm trying to plan ahead ;D Aww, thanks! I hope it lives up to expectations.

      Yaysies! So glad you enjoyed it :)

    2. It's been so long since I read it, I can't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure I liked it. The thing that stuck out to me the most was that it had a happy ending. I'd heard somewhere that the endings to Dickens' later works were more depressing...Great Expectations included...so I was expecting it to be rather a downer and was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be as hopeful and happy as any of his other books (at least in my opinion). What do you think? Would say it had a happy ending?

      I started Bleak House once, but I never finished it. I didn't stick with it long enough to get caught up in the story. I would like to read it sometime, though, so I should probably add it to my reading list. :)

      Oh goody! I like long posts! :D I'm sure it will be delightful!

    3. *snort* His later works are depressing?! Ahem, yes, well, you know my thoughts on Dickens' novels in general ;P Um…I liked it…personally, I would have preferred a more conclusive and satisfactory ending, but I get that that probably would have been unrealistic. So overall, I'll take it :D

      You should try it again! I think you'd like, it once you get into it. It does take a while to get going :P

      Aww, thanks!

  6. I like this. :)

    Looking forward to summer- Um, yasssss. I was just thinking yesterday how excited I am for days without a lot of school and hours spent reading and writing and the library teen summer reading program and biking to the park and lots of Blogger time painting my nails in bright colors and Gatorade and yeah, I'm really excited. :D:D

    "The look of a sheet of paper filled with handwriting."--definitely

    Oh, as a random note-- you may not remember this, but you recommended the 2008 Persuasion to me once and I watched it recently and it's beautiful. <3

    1. Meredith, yay!!

      GOODNESS YES. You described it perfectly :D

      It's so oddly satisfying, isn't it?

      Eeeeekks! I'm SO glad you watched and liked it. Isn't it darling??

  7. "Words like 'gossamer'", I love words! My favorite word to say is, dilapidated. Sad right? But still fun to say. ;)

    "That feeling of accomplishment when you actually wake up early", yeah...I should probably rediscover that feeling. Haha!

    Oh, Olivia, this post was full of loveliness!

    1. Haha, dilapidated really is fun to say. I hadn't thought of that before :D

      Do you struggle with getting up early, too? I'M NOT ALONE!

      Daww, thanks, dear :)

    2. Seriously struggle! I am a 100% night owl! Mornings and I don't get on. ;D So, no my friend! You're not alone!!

    3. That makes me feel much better, knowing that some of my bloggie buddies struggle with it too xD

  8. Yes!!! The ending of Christy is amazing.

    1. Isn't it, though?! So understated and BRILLIANT. I'm so happy that she's going to end up with Neil, and that he's turned his life over to God at last :)

  9. This was such a sweet, darling post!<3

    ~Rilla Blythe

  10. Awww, very sweet.

    I harbor a secret fantasy that John Stamos will show up on WCTH and sweep Elizabeth off her feet. You and I are both dreamers. ;) Although I do know a secret about Gowan that will come out sometime this season and won't be winning him any brownie points. I don't think there's a redemption arc in store for that man.

    Hail, Caesar! was a cute, silly little movie that I liked quite a lot. It was a fun way to spend an evening and I absolutely fell for Alden Ehrenreich as Tobey. He was just toooooo adorable for words!

    Siri Mitchell's books can be hit or miss, but when it's a hit, she's awesome. I LOVED Like a Flower in Bloom!

    Oh, and here's my link to the way I use ALT codes in my posts to get ❤ to show up. :) It's the first symbol under the "other symbols" part of the page.


    1. Carissa, aww, thanks :)

      Haha! I'm way behind on WCTH, so I don't actually know who John Stamos is, but I understand what you mean. Oh, really? That's a shame. *shrugs* Ah, well, it's a long-shot dream anyway ;)

      Yes, exactly that! Really cute, fluffy fun. And oh my word, he was ADORABLE! Gaaahh. The darling :)

      So I've heard. I'm excited to see what I think of her...usually, I'm not a huge fan of the majority of Christian fiction romance, but every once in a while a stunner will come along :)

      Ooh!! Thanks! I look forward to figuring that out!

  11. Oh, this post was so COMFY FUZZY, Olivia! :D
    You called it Herbert Pocket?! Aww... you have great taste in names. ;D (What did you think of Great Expectations? I liked it, but I prefer others of his works...I liked "David Copperfield", "Little Dorrit" and "Our Mutual Friend" slightly better... oh, and the last one I read was "Bleak House". That was excellent - and so was the movie of it! :D)
    *whispers* Who's Henry Gowan and Elizabeth Staunton? They sound familiar but I can't place them.
    Haha, yeah, that king off "One Night With the King" is both lovable and annoying to me...I mean he IS pretty wimpy. :P
    Oh, those songs are really nice... I've never listened to anything like them! "Handpainted" is what I'm listening to now... she's very pretty. :) Her voice is so pleasant! And her dresses are gorgeous. :D
    Haha, that gif is so awkward and cute. :)
    Wow, gossamer is such a cool word! (And yes, I had to look it up.) I love one called 'petrichor', because I love the meaning. :)
    YES! I'm AWFUL at waking up early. I wish I could... it just doesn't come naturally. :/
    Haha, yes, the same goes for me and biology! (Although geometry is as bad as I expected. :P)
    Oh, I REALLY want to watch Far and Away soon!! :D Someday this year!
    Apples to Apples is such a funny, ridiculous game. ;)
    That Bible verse... <3
    Aww, thank you, Olivia. ;) Anne Shirley says it best!
    I loved this post! As ALWAYS. :D
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Thanks, Miss Meg! :D

      Haha, thanks ;P I like GE, which surprised me. But I still prefer BH :) I'm rather interested in OMF, in spite of myself…if you AND Emma AND other people all like it, I ought to try it out, no? ;)

      They're two characters off the tv show When Calls the Heart :) (Which is honestly pretty cheesy, but oddly engrossing.)

      The struggle to decide what one thinks of him is so real! It's like…you have so many problems, yet I'm strangely drawn to you…

      Aren't they pwetty?! And YES I WANT HER DRESS.

      Hehe ;) Ooh! *looks up petrichor* That is fantastic! I love it!

      Same here :-/ Haha, yikes, geometry sounds bad…I think you'll LOVE FaA. It's beauteous :)

      Yes, it is! Yay, SO glad you liked it :D

  12. The fact that you titled it with a Gus McCrae quote makes me love this post already.

    Congratulations on reading Great Expectations! (I always have to congratulate people who can stomach whole Dickens books, because I know it's not easy.) I've read part of that one -- the only one I've finished is A Tale of Two Cities. (And OH MY.) Awwww, you named your little bear Herbert Pocket! THAT'S ADORABLE. Yay for naming stuffed animals after fictional characters. I have a little elephant named Archie Kennedy from waaaaayyyy back. ;-)

    Haha. The intricacies of Luke Goss's portrayal of King Xerxes. ;-P I never really liked him (maybe that's because I always thought he looked weird -- I used to say he looked like a Siamese cat with a brain tumor, but now I see that was rather unkind).

    Sunrises with God. *sigh* Those are the BEST. That's why I can't wait for summer, because then I'll be able to go outside and enjoy them without having to bundle up in buffalo robes. (I'm kidding, I don't really have any buffalo robes. That was an illustration.)

    TOM CRUISE'S SMILE. THAT LINE. Ohhh, how I love that movie. It's really quite unreasonable. ;-) Actually, I would add "Tom Cruise's smile after EVERY line".

    Hey, I'm getting Flirtation Walk too! I'm excited, because I've actually been wanting to read it, whereas usually when I get the Bethany House emails it's just like, "Ohhh, that one looks good, whatever, I'll request it..." ;-P I've read two of Siri Mitchell's and liked them both, so I have high hopes.

    Haha. This wasn't the first time we basically had the same idea, was it? ;-P

    I really enjoyed this peek into your life, Olivia! I hope you have a swell day!


    1. Okay, I know who Henry Gowan is -- he's the guy in Little Dorrit -- but who IS Elizabeth Staunton?

    2. I thought it just might ;)

      Thank ya! (Yep, Dickens can be difficult to get through. Especially if *cough* you're not a huge fan…THE ENDING OF ATOTC, THOUGH. Never have I cried more at the end of a book, to my knowledge.) Double yay! You do?!?! That is adorable. Oh my :D

      Hehehehe…he's…interesting. *I* like him, but then at other times I'm like, "Really, dude?" Plus, if you think about what he actually did…it's better to not, let's say ;P

      They really are! Oh, I hadn't even thought about going outside to do it--usually I just watch from the window…but now I'mma go outside when it's warmer outside :) (Haha, if only, right? ;D)

      GAAAHHHH I KNOW. Just yes :)

      Twinsies! *high five* Haha, I know how you feel. But this one I am really excited about, too!

      No, indeed 't'wouldn't ;P

      Aww, thanks! You too!

      (P.S. Naomi, heehee, we know her well. Emma, I don't actually remember any Henry Gowan in LD…but then I've only watched it once…anywho, the two people I'm talking about are characters from the show When Calls the Heart. Super cheesy, but also entertaining :D)

    3. Okaaaaaaay, now that you mention it I remember Elizabeth Staunton from WCTH. (I've seen some of it.) I think I know who Henry Gowan is too -- that's funny, cause there is a character in Little Dorrit with the same name. ;-P Yeah, it's super cheesy, but I agree, it's also fun. I liked the first three parts best though -- as it goes on it seems to get more and more modern, and that annoys me.

    4. Haha, exactly. Cheesy, but oddly satisfying :D

  13. Awwwwwwwwwwww.

    What a cute, fun post! I enjoyed it so much--I wish I could've commented earlier, but, y'know. School :-)

    Should I watch "One Night With the King"? It sounds super cool--but I've never actually read any reviews of it or heard it talked about much. What's it like?

    I know exactly what you mean about "the agony of envisioning a PERFECT film adaptation." I sometimes think about that for Shadows on the Rock--a GOOD film of it would be Just. Too. Awesome, but how do you make sure that it's actually a good film? What if it fell into the wrong hands and it turned out terrible? The pain is real, peoples. ;-)

    To be perfectly honest, that's kind of how I felt/feel about the Narnia movies. I love those books so, so, SO much--I mean, they were my childhood, basically. And when "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" came out, I remember being really disappointed by the fact that it didn't (as far as I could see) follow the book exactly . . . I don't know. It just wasn't "MY" Narnia, you know what I mean? It wasn't the Narnia I had imagined for myself, so I was upset. I don't mean at all to say that they're bad movies or that you or anybody else can't enjoy them . . . I just mean that I, personally, was unhappy with some of the choices the filmmakers made. So that's always the struggle, I guess, when somebody adapts one of your favorite books for the screen . . . will they get it "right" or not?

    Should I know who Henry Gowen and Elizabeth Staunton are? 'Cause they sound a teeny bit familiar . . . but I can't place them ;-)

    1. Haha, no worries, Jessica! I COMPLETELY understand about that. A lot of times, I read posts earlier, and only get around to commenting a week later :P

      Well, I LOVE ONwtK. It's a retelling of the story of Esther, and I for one think it's pretty darn amazing. And it's pretty clean, content wise. You could always look it up first, though :) I wuvs it, so yep, I think you should try it :D

      EXACTLY. If it ever got into "the wrong hands," it would be HORRIBLE. The pain is most definitely real ;)

      I understand! See, I grew up watching the old BBC versions, and then the new ones, and THEN I actually read the books (unspeakably bad form, I know), so they don't bother me, but I completely understand you not liking them so much. If you grew up with such a beautiful series, and then had to watch the makers put in SOOOO many changes…it must have been frustration :-/

      Hehe, they're from a tv show called When Calls the Heart :)

    2. Thanks so much--I'll definitely look into it! I love the story of Esther, so it would be awesome to watch a good film about it :-)

      Hey, that's fine--it's not "bad" to watch the movies first, especially since you HAVE read the books also . . . But yeah. For me, it was the books, all the way. They were actually one of the first "big kid" series that I read, after Little House, so they're incredibly personal for me. I love them. :-)

    3. I think you'll like it :D The music is STUNNING.

      Awwwwwwww...I totally know how you feel. I have those sorts of series, too--the ones that really started my reading career, as you might say :) Sounds like you started with some great ones!

  14. Oh my word. Herbert Pocket is the cutest name I've ever heard for a teddy bear!! I haven't read the book, but I've seen two movie versions of GE, and Herbert is adorable. (especially the version where Will Scarlett plays him....;))

    I haven't read Christy yet, but I really want to!!

    Wait...Henry Gowen and who? There's a Henry Gowen and Abigail Stanton in WCTH....and then there's a Henry Gowan in Little Dorrit....am I thinking of either of the right people?!
    Oh wait. I read the above comments. You are thinking of the WCTH people!! You've seen it, then! :D
    But oh. Why oh why would you ship him with ANY ONE? He's absolutely horrible. :P

    The imagery of that point about raindrops and musical notes...it's beautiful!

    The Bible verse at the end is perfect.

    I really loved this post. So fun!! And lovely pictures, too. :)

    1. Daww, thanks. Isn't it, though?! :) (WAIT. Will plays Herbert Pocket?! I MUST SEE IT. Which version is that? I've only seen the one with Meg as Estella, speaking of RH characters ;) I really want to see the others, though.)

      Oooh, Natalie, I think you'll love Christy! T'is beautiful.

      Haha, yep, a little of it! Hehe, I don't know. I have this totally unreasonable hope that he'll be redeemed. There's really no rhyme or reason behind it :D

      Aww, thanks! Yes, isn't that verse amazing?!

      Thanks, girl! Glad you enjoyed it :) The pictures were fun to pick, hehe.

    2. It's the 2011 miniseries. It's really good, although there was a scene or two that we skipped...one involving a place that Pip's wayward "friend" takes him. I can't remember the details, but I think it was a brothel or something like that-nothing is shown, but...yeah. I haven't seen it in awhile, but if you want more details I could email you. :)
      Herbert is ADORABLE in that version. I absolutely love him in it. :D

    3. I want to see that one so bad! (Oh, yikes. Yeah, if you could email me what to expect, I'd really appreciate it! :D)

    4. Of course! I just sent an email off. :)


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