In defense of that Anne movie we all hate

I may be wrong about this, but it seems to me that there's a bit of a stigma regarding the Anne of Green Gables movies roundabout the blogosphere. And it's certainly one to which I contribute myself. It's about the shunned Anne movie, the third one, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story . To be clear, this is my least-favorite of the Anne trifecta. I'm pretty sure it's most people's least-favorite, and there's good reason for that. As we all know, it stays about as close to the storyline of Montgomery's books as I do to meat. So I freely confess that up until a couple weeks ago, I disliked AoGGTCS as heartily as anybody. But , then I re-watched it. And guys, let me tell you, we do not appreciate this movie enough. I mean, it definitely has its weaknesses (ahem, understatement there), but it also has many strengths. I'm going to try to elaborate on some of them, because after watching it again, I've realized t...