New Look + what is possibly the most random post I've ever written

What-ho, followers all!  (I am 99.9% positive I stole that exact phrase from Naomi.  Apologies about that, old sport.)

As you may have noticed, I have once again decided to destroy the status quo.  Yes, my dear readers, that is RIGHT!  I've changed my look again *cue groans of frustration*  I know, I know.  I do that far too often.  But hey, I waited almost two months this time around!  And I have a feeling this one will stick for awhile, because…guys I can't help it but I'm really in love with this update.  Obviously, the background is a bit *ahem* bolder than I normally go, and the point could be argued that the colors do not perfectly coincide with the header, but right now I don't even care.  I love how warm and bright it all is *happy sighs*  (Plus it's my first time experimenting with a gif as my profile picture, and I'm "liking it extremely."  MARIAN <3 <3 <3)  But what do YOU all think?  "Honestly, now.  Don't spare my feelings."  Though if you were to spare them a little, I wouldn't complain.  KIDDING, I'm kidding, I truly do want to know what you all think :D

Now, on to the possible-most-random-post-I've-ever-written part.  For some reason, and I truly have no idea why, the idea popped into my head to do a post about all the scents I enjoy.  (I know!  'Tis so random…)  So I've been thinking to myself, "what aromas do I like?"  And I've been compiling lists, and I am now going to bore you into oblivion with the results thereof.  Categorized, no less :P

"Right, here goes!"

~ The Floral/Nature Ones ~
// peonies // lavender // the smell of the air in autumn // freshly-mown grass // roses //  the smell of the outdoors after a spring rain, particularly in the evening // LILACS, my heavens // apple blossoms (I think.  It's been a long time since I've had the privilege of smelling apple blossoms, but for some reason I seem to remember I liked them.) // cedar wood // the ocean ("Oh!  The seaside!") // honeysuckle //

~ The Food/Drink Ones ~
// chocolate-chip cookies baking // ketchup // nectarines // bacon (though I don't eat it) // London Broil steak (though I don't eat it) // wine (though I don't drink it--OBVIOUSLY.  I'm a minor.  That'd be a huge problem.) // coffee (though I don't like it) // peaches // maple syrup // (why are all of these either sweet stuff or meat??) // DOMINO'S PIZZA // the smell of my grandmother's table at Thanksgiving *wink wink* //

~ The Random/Weird Ones ~
// chlorine // books (DUH) // the Lowe's department store // gasoline // perfume or cologne (well, yes, don't we all) // crayons // hotel rooms // hot glue (it smells like Christmas and I don't know why) // smoke, especially cigar or pipe smoke // certain articles of clothing I own :D // my dining room table ('tis wood) // laundry detergent // "the puppy smell", as my mom calls it, aka the scent of a young puppy's fur // paint // old VHS tapes // 

And now…we wait to see how long it takes me to remember a scent I meant to include, execute an elaborate facepalm, and then resolve to come back and edit this, but procrastinate so well that I may not ever actually do so.  Life is glamorous, peeps :D

Lastly, I leave you with a final picture:  there is Someone Who makes this life worth living, Someone Who deserves our every waking thought, Someone Who cannot even fully reveal Himself because our mortal bodies could not stand His glory, and yet this Someone walks side by side with us.  "Understands that we are dust." Forgives and redeems us. AND, as though all that were not far too much already, He showers us with blessings and priceless gifts in the everyday, if we open our eyes to it and to Him.  


  1. I LOVE IT! The header, especially. Elizabeth!! And your profile picture--MARIAN!! Huh, I didn't know you could use gifs. That's so cool. :D

    Okay, I seriously love the random scents list as a post idea. I pretty much love (or think I would love ) all of the nature scents you listed.

    As for food, I would definitely include chocolate chip cookies baking, coffee, and pizza on my list...also, bread baking (OH HEAVENS), the smell of the bakery at the grocery store, and...there's probably more but my brain won't work.

    I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES THE SMELL OF CHLORINE! Very glad of that. ;) I also love the smell of rubber. Tennis balls, new shoes...yeah.

    I had no idea old VHS tapes had a smell. :P

    Ah, yes. Thank you for that last bit. <3 It's so true--and did you write that yourself?? It's beautiful!!

    1. Thanks, Natalie! I'm SO glad you like it :) Yeah, I didn't know that either! But then I noticed that Naomi had used one, so I determined to try :D

      Oh, yay! I was afraid it might be quite boring xD I'm glad you liked it! And yes, all the nature scents <3

      Oh! Bread baking! That scent is heavenly, I agree! As are bakeries ;)

      YOU TOO?! I just absolutely love that smell xD Rubber! I had forgotten about that one! It does have rather a nice scent, doesn't it?

      Haha, yes,'s nearly nonexistent. It might just be my imagination, actually :P

      Amen! God truly is amazing. Aww, thank you <3 *blushes*

    2. NATALIE!! Wow. You just totally reminded me how much I LOVE the smell of Tennis balls! Seriously. That smell is SO nostalgic for me. It reminds me of my grandparents old farm--and more particularly, my grandpa himself--because he used to play tennis, and actually had a tennis court on his property. :D

  2. I love the new look!!!! Particularly the header. It's lovely!

    I love you favorite scents. I have a whole bunch of foods I would add, and fresh laundry drying, and cut grass, and rain on asphalt, and magnolias and ponderosa pine tress and... yeah, this could get out of hand! There's so many smells I love!

    1. Thanks, DKoren! :D

      OH, I forgot freshly laundered sheets! Haha :) "Rain on asphalt"...I need to pay more attention to that!

  3. I think your new header/background is awesome--ESPECIALLY the colors, because I really love that sort of orangeish-pinkish-brown that it has :-) It looks good on me when I wear it, so.

    Y'know, I love the way coffee smells too, even though I don't drink it. AND tea--I think tea has the most delicious scent of any beverage ever, but for some reason it doesn't taste as good as it smells. *sigh*

    1. Awwwwww, thanks ;D Ooh, yes, now that you mention it, I bet it does! They would suit you :)

      I KNOW, right?! I wish coffee and tea would live up to their potential :P


    The background especially, though. I LOVE it! It's weird, but this is exactly the sort of thing I've had in my head and been looking for for literally YEARS. The bright patchwork-quilt style. Where did you find it??? (Wherever it was, I'm slightly jealous right now. Only slightly.)

    Hey, random is good. I thrive on random. (I think you do too.) And smells are so meaningful. I'm there with you on a lot of these....but chlorine? Seriously? You like that? *shakes head* I don't know...


    1. Really?! Dawww *blushes*

      Isn't it fun? Oh, well, good news for you. Thy salvation is close at hand ;) If you go the template customizing thing on Blogger, choose the plain background, and then go to where it shows what your background image is (you know, the one with the color scheme block), and if you click on it, a tab should open with a TON of images you can select. This one is in the "Home and Garden" section, I believe. Sorry, did that make any sense? I'll have to go back and see what exactly I did to give you more specific instructions :P

      (Yep, I do too.) They are, they really are :) Yes, I'm afraid so--I have a thing for enjoying toxic fumes 0.0

  5. I love the new look! Oh and do you have a place to follow your blog? I follow through feedly, but I was looking for a follower-gadget-thingy and couldn't find one! Just wondering:) and also I liked this post too. It's a fun way to get to know someone with little detail-y random facts :)

    1. Aww! Anna, your comment made me so happy! You want to follow my blog?! Wow, thank you! Okay, so, about that: I've tried to figure out the follower gadget, but I haven't had much luck with Google+ :( So right now the only things I have, other than just adding the URL to your blogger dashboard, are follow by email and by Bloglovin'. So sorry! I will probably try to get the regular follower gadget figured out again :)

      Haha, thanks! Oh, and I was curious, is your profile picture something you drew, by any chance? 'Cause it's really cool :D

    2. Oh okay I can figure out how to do that :) And yes I did draw my profile picture! It's a picture of Audrey Hepburn (because she is GORGEOUS :D) but I want to do a self-portrait soon too so I might make that my picture when I have the time. :)

    3. Awesome, thanks!

      I thought it was Audrey! Wow *shakes head* You really do have an amazing gift. It's absolutely beautiful! And ooooohhh, yes, do a self-portrait! How cool would that be?!

    4. Olivia, the follower gadget is simpler than it seems!

      You go to 'add a new gadget' in the sidebar on the layout blogger page, and then click on 'more gadgets' at the left-top side of the pop-up tab. Scroll riiiiight down and you should find it! (Click on that, et voila. :-D)

    5. NAOMI!!! IT WORKED!! Wow, I don't know what I had tried before, but much thanks, old scout :D

    6. Ooh hooray! Well now I am following! :D :D :D

    7. Thanks so much, Anna! It means a lot to me!! :D

  6. Nobody owns a phrase, dear boy, nobody owns a phrase. :-P
    I LOVE THE LOOK THOUGH. And looook, it's dear Trixie!!!
    "apple blossoms (I think. It's been a long time since I've had the privilege of smelling apple blossoms, but for some reason I seem to remember I liked them.)" -- Haha. :-P

    Loved this!

    1. Haha ;D

      Aww, thanks! I know, I love that picture of her :) Oh, I meant to ask, do you prefer Trixie's hair in her original curls or in the pixie cut? I'm not quite sure :P

    2. DEFINITELY original curls. I love her curls; they frame her face perfectly. I think her pixie cut it slightly too short. I love her look in season five, though, with the bangs. (No, I haven't seen season five, but I looked at pictures. :-P)

    3. Just so :P *looks up S5 pictures* Oh, yes! Me likey :D

  7. What do I think? I think it's delightful, my chummy old pal! I don't know any of the movies displayed on the header, but it's pretty and fresh and clean and neat and altogether lovely. :D

    One can never have too much random. Isn't that a fact?


    OH OH BACON I LOVE THE SMELL OF BACON. Bacon frying = pure bliss.
    Hey, you have Domino's pizza too?! Cool! So do we. :D I love it, too!

    You like the smell of 'gasoline'? *draws back in horror* :P

    Aww... that last paragraph. Methinks you are beginning to sound a shade like Lewis. ;) And look, it's Charlie Brown!

    If this is a taste of your most random posts, then I like them very much. <3

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Dawww, thanks, Miss Meg! So pleased you like it :)

      Haha! And yes, I LOVE Domino's pizza. T'is me favorite ;)

      Isn't it a problem?? Like, seriously...

      *gasp* REALLY?!?!?! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh, that would practically make my life :D Thanks, girl!!

      Aww, thanks, you're too kind ;)

    2. Heehee I'm not one for Domino's *doges tomatoes* probably cause my Uncle owns a different Pizza branch.. :P Pizza Capers

    3. Haha, well, under the circs, I think we can forgive you that :P

  8. Ooh, I like the new look, but the background says "autumn" more than "summer" to me.
    I agree with lots of your favorite smells. (Hardware stores . . . *s-s-sniff* lovely!)

    1. Thank ya! Yeah, I agree, the background definitely is more autumnal, which is one of the reasons I was hesitant :P Who knows, perhaps I'll leave it up until early in fall! xD

      You understand about hardware stores!!

  9. Actually, this look is amazing!!! The combination of colors and pictures is just perfect, in my opinion. You did a fabulous job with it!
    Now, about the favourite aromas--Yes, that's random, but yes, that's an awesome post! I enjoyed it! Randomness makes for some amazing reading. :) It was quite fun.

    1. Rae, aww, thank you! I really appreciate it :)

      Haha! Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D

  10. This looks perfect, actually!! And the banner is very beautiful, the first thing that actually caught my eye :)

    And the favorite aromas post is perfect! I enjoyed it a lot!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Brittany!! It's good to hear from you!! :D

  11. I like this blog post idea!

    Ooh, did you know there's a word for the smell of rain after warm weather? It's "petrichor". :D

    Chocolate chip cookies, ketchup, bacon(it smells better than it tastes, I think), wine(good-- I'm glad you don't drink it xD), coffee(also smells better than it tastes), and pizza-- YES.

    Perfume, hotel rooms, those certain shirts, and detergent-- YES again.

    And, about your last paragraph-- thank you for keeping your posts so God-focused. It's very encouraging to see your commitment and zeal for glorifying God. :D

    1. Thanks, Meredith! :)

      Oh!! Yes!! I knew there was a word and I was forgetting it! Thanks for reminding me :D

      Bacon does smell better than it tastes :P Seems to be the case with a lot of the things in that section xD

      Oh, thank YOU so much *hugs you* Your words meant a lot to me :)

  12. The new design is beautiful. Simply beautiful.

    Cedar wood. :D

    VHS tapes have a smell? Hmm. I've never noticed. o.O


    I absolutely adore coffee, but I don't let myself drink it. (I did for a while, and I got SO addicted. So I stopped.)

    1. Thanks, Monica! :D

      Haha, it's very, very, very, VERY faint. It might even be my imagination :P

      Doesn't it?! Though to be honest I think my favorite thing is the curtain :D

      That's what I understand, that it's super addictive. Good for you for stopping yourself, though! :D

  13. YES TO ALL THE SMELLS! Also, once again, you have managed to dazzle the blogging world with your wonderful backgrounds and headers. When Calls the Heart is lovely! And the fonts and the color scheme and *faints*

    Beautiful. :)

    1. *tackle hugs* LAURA STOP BEING SO AWESOME.

      (Don't ever stop. You're a darling, thank you :D)

  14. Awww! Loved this. Randomness is awesome. :D

    I know I already said this, but I LOVE your new blog look! I have a thing for patchwork quilts, actually. They make me feel really cozy. :) And your header is just...GAAAHHH!...scrumptious!!! :D

    Ahhh! All the lovely smells. Smells really are wonderful things, aren't they? They're real memory trappers, actually.

    I smiled over all your little disclaimers. "Though I don't eat it", "though I don't drink it" "though I don't like it"...haha! There were a lot of "thoughs" in that paragraph. ;)

    Oooh! HOTEL ROOMS! Yes! I LOVE the smell of hotel rooms. And chlorine. Those two go together in my mind. They remind me of all the lovely times spent vacationing at hotels. You see, my family doesn't do huge vacations, so sometimes we'll just go to a hotel for a night or two, and that's our "get away trip"! So much fun!! :)

    "Someone Who cannot even fully reveal Himself because our mortal bodies could not stand His glory, and yet this Someone walks side by side with us." YES! Preach it, girl!! :D Our God truly is amazing!!!

    Thanks for the delightful post, Olivia! You're such a sweetheart. :)

    ~Miss March

    1. Miss March, thank you! Your enthusiastic response was really encouraging that first day before I did this post and I wasn't sure how it'd go over :D Patchwork quilts just ARE cozy and warmly-fuzzy-feeling, aren't they?

      I agree! Haha, yes, lots and lots of "though"s ;D

      They DO go together! Yes!! I love hotels, actually. That sounds like an awesome way to vacation! We've done similar things :)

      Amen!! He certainly is!

      Aww, thank YOU for your comment! It brightened my day :) Aww, so are you!!

  15. Hello! I love your background - bold but awesome. As far as aromas, I think cinnamon rolls baking in the oven is my personal favorite :)

    1. Hello! Why, thank you :D *gasp* Cinnamon rolls baking! I hadn't thought of that one! *drools slightly*

  16. Oh this look is really sweet!! It's so warm and cozy and summery all at once.

    Ok. The favorite smells one.... I love the smell of gasoline to! Which is concerning if you consider how bad those fumes are for you.... The puppy smell is nice. I LOVE the smell of horses, and old leather harnesses. And books. Just yes. Cookie dough is aroma therapy, and Pizza is a bit of heaven. :)

    This was a super sweet post, just saying. :)

    1. Thanks, girl! Glad you like it :)

      You understand about gasoline! Haha, I know. What IS it with me and toxic fumes?? Chlorine, gasoline, paint... xD Oh, yes! Those smells are all lovely!

      Daww, thank ya ;)

  17. I love the new look!!! Please, you don't have to apologize for switching things up a bit, I wish I could do it every few weeks!!! AND YOU WATCH WHEN CALLS THE HEART!!!!!!!!!!! <3 *ahem* My family just recently started the first season and we love it!! I especially love Jack. =D

    1. Thanks so much!! Yep, I'm trying to, that is (I keep falling behind!). I enjoy it a lot, but there are some things I'm not so crazy about. But they also make it more fun. So, I dunno xD Jack's a good old scout, isn't he? :D

  18. LOVELY header Olivia. YOU WATCHED WHEN CALLS THE HEART? The series are one my 'want to see'' list. Haha :)

    1. Rachel, thank you bunches! I'm trying to watch it, but I keep getting behind on the episodes! Ah, well :P


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