Is There Any Safer Place?

Almighty Creator is greater than you, little heart, and He loves you with a far more intense passion than any you will ever be able to know, however hard you try to manufacture it. He knows how to sanctify--He's been doing it a long time... What have I ever done for You--truly? When have I ever given out of a sincere desire to give to You, or blessed out of a sincere desire to bless You? When have I sincerely sat at Your feet to drink You in, to hear what You are thinking and feeling? When have I ever surrendered without holding back the hope--more, the expectation--that You won't really require the sacrifice, that a ram will be provided in place of my Isaac, too? "Be rich in good deeds…" In Real Terms, I won't even begin to scratch the smallest crumb from the outermost crust of ever approaching "deserving" or "repaying" my eternal debt. But in human terms, I can do my best, my absolute and utter best, to try . It will be le...