That awkward moment when...

…People tag you, you procrastinate for about a month, and then decide to whip up the answers despite the fact that you haven't even formally wrapped up your latest Western-themed week. Yeah. That. (I SHALL wrap up Western Week and draw/notify the giveaway winners before too much longer. I SHALL.) Anyway, Ivy and Anna have both tagged me (hence the spiel about tagging and procrastination)! Thanks, ladies! I do so love a good tag :) Let's dive in. (Also, there'll be a lot of random movie collages that have nothing to do with the answers. I found a bunch of really pretty collages over the past few months and wanted to share several of them with y'all, being the kind soul that I am :)) ~ Ivy's First Tag (Simple Questions) ~ Rules Pass along the questions Questions 1. What nationality are you? For privacy's sake, I'll just say Caucasian. 2. What's your favourite animal? Hmm…to be around, p...