"Oh, I think it adds a general…whatzit."

Does anyone remember that far-forgotten time when I mentioned that I was considering making a "personality board" of sorts?  With pictures and quotes and other paraphernalia about introversion and such-like?

Yeah, I don't either.  That is, I remember I did it, but I don't remember when or where…but anyways, I'm here to tell you that I actually made that board and it's been on my wall for quite a while now.  So I'll show you all some pictures, just in case any of you remembered and were waiting for them (at which I would be very impressed, I gotta say).   

Today will be a day of short posts :)  And the quality of my iPod camera (the only camera to which I really have usable access) translates terribly into the computer, but it's better if the pictures are small, so…they'll be smaller than normal.  'Pologies.  


Here it is :)  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out; I had a lot of fun making it ;)  What think you all?


  1. Love it!!! :-)
    Also, your bookshelf. Can I come and visit you? Okay. Okay, I'm coming. See ya.

  2. Love the bookshelves! And that is so cool that you able to complete the board! I have to admit I love bulletin boards for how flexible they are in letting me put stuff up to look at.

    1. Thanks so much! Yep, they're pretty versatile; it's great :)

  3. What fun! I love the little kitty picture! And the flowers and Arwen! And I LOVE the leather journal on top of your bookcase! I have a thing for leather and journals. :D

    1. Eeeeekkk, me too! Yep, that's a special journal with an interesting story, hehe.

  4. Oh that's adorable! I love it. Also, I would like to say your bookshelf looks beautiful today. :)

  5. It looks BEAUTIFUL, Olivia!!! Eep! And I'm quite obsessed with your bookshelf, I must say. *nods*

    ARWENNNN. You included a picture of Arwen! YUS. And Elsa! And an adorable bicycle! GAH, IT'S ALL SO PERFECT!!!

    I've missed commenting so much! It's good to be back, dear! ^_^

    1. Thanks ever so much!

      Of course! Arwen and Elsa are both bae <3 I'm so glad you like it, Mary!

      I'VE MISSED YOU TOOOOOOOO <3 <3 And I am going to get over to your awesome corner of the blogosphere and catch up on things. I am. Hopefully soon, too ;D

  6. I DO remember you saying that, and I love how it turned out--it's beautiful!! You really do have a flair for decorating, m'dear :-) It would honestly never have occurred to me to make something like that, but IT LOOKS AWESOME AND I LOVE IT.

    Especially the "Be still and know that I am God" verse--that's one of my very favorites :-)

    1. *blushes* Aww, thank ya, ma'am :) I'm so glad you like it!

      Same here, girl.

  7. Gorgeous! Does it have a specific purpose aside from being pretty/encouraging? Like you said something about characters?

    1. Kayla, thanks! It's basically for me to try and embrace the fact that it's really a-ok to be an introvert, to like being an INFJ, to "be who God made me", all that jazz. And about the characters, yes, I picked characters that I really relate to/am inspired by (I can see myself changing/adding a few of them now and then). I also included some "theme quotes"--ones that have really resonated and stuck with me for a while. So, yeah :D

  8. Gah can I first say good job on your bookshelves? It's lovely to own that many books! And great job on your board as well! It looks very inspirational. :)

  9. Ohhhh! It's lovely! NICE JOB, OLIVIA! Thanks for sharing pictures with us!!

    Some of the quotes are just darling. "I like her, she's restful." Aww. And the one about the canvas. I really like that one, too. :D

    1. Thank YOU!! You guys are so kind :D

      Aren't they, though?! I know, I'd never heard the "she's restful" quote before, but it was love at first sight when I did :)

  10. OH YES I REMEMBER!!!! :D

    Ohhh, it's GORGEOUS. I LOVE it. I'd love something like that on my wall. You wanna come over and make one for me, ahaha? ;D

    Some of those quotes were SO good (and some, I admit, I can't quite relate, seeing as I'm decidedly not an introvert ;)) - my favourite was the one with God painting on the canvas. :)

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Oh, and I love the fact that you have movie tickets on there. :D I keep all my movie tickets in my big wooden (treasures ;)) chest!

      ~Miss Meg

    2. YES!! I DEFINITELY DO!! We shall have to make it happen someday ;D

      Thanks so much! Haha, well, I like that you're an extrovert. The world needs extroverts, too ;) Yes, isn't that quote precious?


    3. YES. We SHALL have to make it happen someday. ;D

      Haha, my treasure chest! Well... let's see... it was pretty expensive, but it's supposed to last a long time. ;) I'm awful at estimating measurements, but I'd say it's about a foot wide, and the height is slightly less than the width. It's very dark brown with pieces of leather and metal circle things over it for decoration with a big clasp at the front... it looks something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/wooden-chest-storage-box Only the corners are rounded (it's not at all 'square looking' and it's smaller in width, I think) but I really love it, even though it's a pain to oil all the time. :D I keep all my letters, trophies, movie tickets, memorabilia and everything that has a sentimental side to it, inside there. :)

      ~Miss Meg

  11. First off, your book shelf is GORGEOUS! I studied it for a minute or two, trying to recognize books. :) (I think I spot Lord of the Rings. And the Blue Castle!)

    And ahhhh....all the beautiful quotes and pictures...I LOVE it. You make me want to redo my own "inspiration board" (the side of my bookcase haha)

    I have to admit that photo of Arwen reminded me of myself since it's my profile photo on goodreads. ;) Haha!

    You have the "her heart was a secret garden" quote!

    We see a lot of the same movies. ;) I saw Dory and Star Wars too, although I didn't seen Risen.

    Wow. That Hannah Hurnard quote is beautiful.

    Is that a leather bound journal atop your bookcase? It's so pretty.

    1. Eeee, thank you! Yep, you did! I'm quite impressed that you could decipher TBC, what with the picture quality. Haha :D

      Ooh, you have something similar? ME WANTS TO SEE, PRECIOUS!

      Isn't that a coincidence? It reminds me of you, too ;D

      I do! That's one of my main "theme quotes". :)

      Haha, well, great minds and all that ;) What did you think of Finding Dory?

      I know, right?! I really like that book :)

      It is indeed! I use it mainly for poetry because it's so fancy xD

    2. Haha! :D

      Weeelll, mine isn't nearly as nice as yours, but I'll see about getting a photo to you. ;)

      I loved Finding Dory for the sentimental side of it (Finding Nemo was the first movie I ever saw in theaters, and it was such a staple of my childhood. Watching it's sequel so many years later was kind of special. :)) and it was rather cute, but I have to say it didn't compare with Pixar's other masterpieces. :/

      Perfect use for it! It's gorgeous. :D

  12. Such a lovely collage!
    I also love making collages at my walls, it just adds character to a room.

    1. Thank you, Rose!

      It really does. I bet yours are beautiful; you're so creatively gifted!! :D

  13. So GORGEOUS, Olivia!!! And those quotations are perfect.<3

    ~Rilla Blythe

    1. AAAHHH, thank you! I love them <3 How have you been, Rilla? *hugs* (Oh, by the by, do you have a blog? Because I assumed you didn't since you comment under Anonymous, but I just realized that that doesn't mean you don't have one! If you do, I'd love to see it!! :D Just checking ;))

  14. Aww, Olivia, you really just made my day.<3 *hugs back* You're so sweet! I've been well.:) I don't have a blog, but maybe someday. I will definitely let you know if I ever get one!:)

    ~Rilla Blythe

  15. Your board and bookshelf look lovely, Oliva! :) (I also like your wall color as well. :D)


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