Apologies, Explanations, and Announcements

*peeks out from behind corner* *waves sheepishly* Remember me? Yes. Well. This. Naomi's Pinterest is the answer when you need pretty pictures for blog posts So, I've been incommunicado for close to two months, haven't I? Someday, I will learn how to not make elaborate promises/commitments on here when it's not technically within my power to guarantee I'll be able to follow through thereon. Someday that'll happen. (It just may take a little while ;)) Anyway, I obviously haven't written that review I was asking y'all about in my last post. And to be honest, I don't know when I'll be able to start blogging/emailing more frequently. I have several emails from several dear friends (you know who you are) languishing in my inbox, and I am so sorry that I haven't replied to them. Here's the thing. Senior year kind of hit me out of nowhere. Oh, it's not that I wasn't prepared to be a senior--that had be...