hashtag tags

Have y'all noticed that I always seem to combine tags? Like, when was the last time I devoted a whole post to just a single tag? I have reflected on it, and have been unable to find the answer. Ah, well. As you may have guessed, I have indeed been tagged and awarded, and I am indeed about to fill out both honors. Many thanks to Hamlette and Ev for them -- I appreciate it, old sports!! (Also the first, I am very sorry about how I've left your beautiful comments hanging without replies for so long. Rest assured that they have been read and re-read with the utmost delight and that I really do hope to get caught up on comments at some point in the not-too-distant future.) (Also the second, has anyone else been having problems with Pinterest lately? The eye candy in this post will have to be whatever I have in the ol' iPhoto reservoir, because Pinterest isn't allowing me to access my pins. WHICH IS REALLY FRUSTRATING. ...