Summer Look + NEW BLOG REVEAL!!!

YES, you read that correctly.  I'm here to reveal a new, second blog.  And since I'm assuming y'all are more interested in that than my puttering about the new look on this blog, I shall address it first.

So.  Several months ago -- during the second half of last year, actually -- I began to get some new and exciting leadings from the Lord regarding my post-high school plans.  I won't go into all of it here, since I talk a lot about it on the new blog, but suffice it to say that one of these promptings was to take the plunge and create a second, more personal blog, on which to document what happens next.  (And technically I was supposed to have this ready to reveal at graduation, more than two months ago, but oh, well.  Better late than never, eh?)

And don't worry, I have every intention of continuing THIS blog for many, many years to come.  It will probably still be my main blog. :) 

This new blog will probably take a while to get up and running, and it'll probably continue to be tweaked (possibly completely overhauled).  In theory, it will focus mainly on my writing, musings, and, as I said, post-high school (a.k.a. probably college) adventures. 

But enough of all this introduction!  Behold the title and link of my new blog!!! :D

*confetti and bursts of applause*

Two more things about the new blog and then I shall return to this one.  First, I realize that's an odd title, but you'll have to visit it to find out what it means. :-P  Second -- and I mean this -- you are under no obligation whatsoever to follow this new blog.  Seriously.  I mean, obviously, I HOPE you'll follow it, but only if you're really actually interested in the description I gave above.  Because I would C.O.M.P.L.E.T.E.L.Y. understand if you're more interested in what I talk about here on "Meanwhile, in Rivendell . . .," since personally, I'm not ALWAYS interested in more "writing-focused" blog posts.  I'm not trying to dissuade you from coming, of course --  I'm just trying to say that I promise I would understand if you'd rather stick with what we talk about here. :)  (And, of course, there will be some overlap -- things from MiR will come over onto TIaPS, and vice versa.)

Okay, enough about that. 

Well, as you can see, I've changed this blog's look again.  I usually like to change my headers with the seasons, at least, so I decided since July is already almost half gone, it's probably time to get a summer look up. :-P  I'm pretty satisfied with it on the whole, I think. 

(And yes, the picture on the right is me, finally revealing my face on zee blog.  Behold.  :-P  As a matter of fact, that picture was taken by a certain special someone on the occasion of the wedding of another certain special someone. ;))

You know, I was reflecting recently:  I love this blog.  It's been such a blessing in my life.  You've all been such a blessing in my life.  I love "doing life" with you guys.  Thanks a million for being such awesome people. <3

Okay, sentimental sappiness over.

What think you all of the new look? 
 How's your summer going? :)


  1. OLIVIA!!!!!!! First off let me say I am soon excited for this new blog. Like seriously its going to be awesome. I jumped ahead and read the new title before i realized that's what it was, and immediately thought to myself: 'that's the most delicious Olivia-ish sentence I've ever read and I love it so much' annddd then it was the title of your blog and it's perfect.

    I also freaked out and was sooooo thrilled to see your face reveal...... girl you are seriously sooooo beautiful; inside and out. Agh.

    And your blog look is dreamy and golden and cozy and whimsy all at once. I loves it.

    1. DAAAWWWWWWW! *tackle hugs you* Did you really? "The most delicious Olivia-ish sentence I've ever read"? That makes me SO happy, you don't even know. :D Thanks for sharing that, heehee. <3

      Awwwww, STAHP IT, YOU. *hugs again* For real, though, SO ARE YOU. You're b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. :)

      Eeee, thanks! I like it pretty well, too. *hugs it*

  2. This makes me so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . . . I love your new blog. I love all the Big Ideas behind it. I love your new blog look, and most of all I love your new profile picture. Because it reminds me of one of the best weekends of my life *HUGS* And it's gorgeous. You're gorgeous. I miss you. The end.


    1. Awwwwww, THANK YOU, DEAR. <333 I'm SO glad you're on board for this. (I had a feeling you would be, 'cause you're that kind of awesome and supportive and fabulous friend. ;))

      "It reminds me of one of the best weekends of my life *HUGS*" << SAAAAAAAAAME. I think that weekend will always and forever be one of my most cherished memories. For the REST of my LIFE. *nods* It was and is a Big Deal.

      And awwwww *blushes*. YOU'RE GORGEOUS AND I MISS YOU TOO. <3 <3 <3

    2. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah stahp. <3

  3. Oliviaaaaa!!!!! You are beautiful!!! It's so good to see you!!! <3 I love the new blog look!!! And congrats on the new blog!!! :D Many blessings, my friend!!!! (sorry for all the exclamation points!;))

    1. Awwwww!!!! Thank you SOOOOO much, Morgan! So are you; it's always great to see pictures of you on Turning the Page. :) <3 And eeee, thanks! I'm so glad people like the new look. :) (GAHH NO NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR EXCLAMATION POINTS! ;D)

      Thanks a million, dear friend! Have a blessed Sunday. <3

  4. Beautiful new blog header, dear!! <3 And I'm soooo excited for your new blog!!!! We're on this post-high school journey together! ;) I was actually thinking about creating a new blog as well because I'm no longer a homeschooler. :P

    Congratulations and best wishes!


    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! YUSS *fist pump*. We got this, with God's help. :D Isn't it SUCH a big relief when you get those moments where you realize that HE IS NEVER GOING TO LEAVE YOU? Like, actually?! Like, He's going to personally walk you through life and get you safely to the other side?! Okay, that was random . . . I just felt the need to talk about that with someone. :D

      You should go for it (starting a new blog, I mean)! Let's see where it takes us. :)

      Same to you, dear! <3

  5. Eeekkk! This is SO exciting!! :D

    Also, my summer is going great. Yep. Nice and hot.

    1. (Still so stoked that you got a "formal" profile. :D)

      Hehehehehe . . . ;D (Okay, then, how's your winter been? ;-P)

  6. I really like your new summer look on this blog, and I'm excited about your new blog as well! :D I'm looking forward to following your second blog as best I can. ;) Also, that picture of you is lovely! You're such a beautiful person, and I greatly treasure our friendship! :) Thanks so much for being such a good friend to me all these years. <3

    My summer has been going pretty well! Hopefully I'll have more time soon to keep up with my blog more and possibly join you in doing some post-high school related posts. ;D

    I hope you're having a marvelous day! :D

    1. Thanks so much, Faith!! :D Awww, thanks, I really appreciate it! <3 But I totally understand that Life Happens and all that. :) Everyone's being so supportive, though -- I really appreciate it! :D

      DAAWWWWW STAHP IT. *hugs you* Thank YOU for being such a great friend to ME all these years. I'm so grateful God brought you into my life and that we were able to strike up a friendship through letter-writing and visiting and blogging and Pinterest-ing and such. :) <3 <3 <3

      Yaysies! Haha, story of my life, hoping I'll be able to keep up with my blog better . . . ANYWHO . . . ;) Yes, do please do some post-high school stuff! (Btw, did I ever tell you how cool I think it is that you started a blog? I'm sure I did, but I'MMA SAY IT AGAIN! ;))

      Thank you, dear! You too! <3

  7. One-I love your summer look on the blog and excited about your new one
    Two-the photo of you is beautiful and fantastic
    Three-My summer is going well, actually. I'm reading a lot and saddened that in a week it'll be over soon and I have to go back to school-in which I'm already crying on the inside


      Thank you so much. :) <3

      Ahh, I know, right?! I've been reading a lot more this summer and will (hopefully) be starting school back up in a couple weeks, so that's exciting but also nervewracking for different reasons. Plus, y'know, time is so free in summer. :-P (Most of the time, that is.) Thanks for commenting! Glad you're doing well. <3 Prayers and blessings, my friend! <3

  8. I LOOVVEEEE your new blog look! So summery.

    My summer goes well. I have vacation, which is very lovely.

    You made a new blog? How fun, I must take a look. :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Rachel! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out -- I usually just do solid color backgrounds, so I'm always excited when a patterned one works for my headers. :)

      Ooh, lovely indeed! What have you been doing with your vacation? When I'm not working, I've been basically vegging on the couch watching movies/YouTube. #lazinessstruggles :-P

      Thanks a bunch! <3 :)

  9. YOUR NEW HEADER IS AMAZING!! Great job, Olivia!! And I love how it goes with the background, too. :D :D

    Eeeeeeek! That picture of you!!! I love it, love it, love it!!! So beautiful!! <3 <3 <3

    It's so exciting that you're starting another blog. I can't wait to read about your life adventures. (And your stories!! :)) And I think the title is perfect! It's totally you! :D

    ~Miss March

    1. AWWWW! *tackle hugs you* Thaaaaanks, girl! I was pretty happy with the header. :D Eeee, thank you!

      STOP YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME BLUSH. ;) (But thank you so much. <3 SO ARE YOU.)

      Eeeeekk, thank you! I so appreciate how supportive all of you have been. :) Aww, really?! Thanks, that makes me happy! :)

  10. OLIVIA!!! Your new blog look is soooo pretty! Why can't I make mine look like yours? :(
    I love your new blog too! I also created a separate one for my writing. I found it was very helpful. I hope yours brings you all the luck in the world!


    1. Lia, AWWW STAHP IT. *blushes* I'm so flattered! (Also, the answer to that is: #1 You can totally make amazing headers, it just takes practice, and it's like totally hit or miss for me, even after coming up on four years of blogging, and #2 your blogs are AWESOME, and don't you forget it. ;))

      Ack, that's so cool! It's helpful to know that you found a separate blog helpful, as I've wondered whether it will really make that much of a difference. So thank you!! :) And right back at you! <3

  11. So that's what you look like! It's nice to see a picture of you! I always wonder what bloggers look like but I guess I'm kind of a hypocrite because I wouldn't like everyone to see me. I would feel nervous. :-)

    Wow! You know a lot of bloggers. I mean you know them physically, not through the internet. That's really neat!

    I love the new heading! It's so pretty! I recognized three movies the photos were from. Far From the Madding Crowd (2015), Cinderella (2015), and Little Women (1994). There are two photos of people I do not recognize. What movies are those from?

    Before I wrote this comment, I made a comment on your other blog. I love it!

    1. Aww, thanks, Ekaterina! Haha, that's kind of me, too . . . that is, it WAS . . . obviously, now, I've decided to "take the plunge," but . . . what I'm trying to say is I GET THAT. ;)

      It was AMAZING to get to meet FIVE blogging friends in one weekend. So grateful for it and will never forget it. :)

      Eeeekk, thank you! *hugs* Yay, I'm always excited when people recognize/are interested in what movies I used. Yep, you got those three right; the other two are from The Hundred-Foot Journey and 42. :)

      Eee, yes, and thank you for it! I'm so happy you came and checked it out. :)

    2. Meeting 5 blogging friends in one weekend is pretty amazing!

      I'm am going to have to watch those movies! They both look like movies I would like! I'll have to see if they are at my library. :-)

  12. Yay!!! Your new blog is so pretty! Also, the picture of you is gorgeous! :D

    1. Thanks, Laura!!! *tackle hugs* Dawww, thank you! :D

    And you're so beaut. <3
    Off to check out your new blog.

    1. AWWWWWW STOP IT, YOU. <3 *huggles*

      Thank you so much, dearie. :)

  14. I said this before somewhere else but DUDE I LOVE THE NEW HEADER IT IS SO PRETTY but then again I say that about every single one???? May I just stand here and gape for a moment in awe because HOW DO SOME OF YOU PEOPLE CREATE NEW HEADERS TO MATCH THE SEASONS?????? I just, I can't. Okay??? How are you so amazing and creative and artistic????? Give me some of your special powers. ALSO YOU ARE GORGEOUS AND I LOVED PUTTING A FACE WITH THE "VOICE" AT LONG LAST!!!!

    1. Awwwwwww, KAAAAATTTEEE. <3 <3 <3

      (Yes, about your previous comment, I'm terribly sorry for not replying to it yet. But IT IS SO STINKING SWEET AND IT LEGIT MAKES MY DAY EVERY TIME I LOOK AT IT. <3)

      *blushes profusely and tackle-hugs you* Seriously, girl, YOU ARE SO SWEET AND KIND AND AWESOME. THANK YOOOOUUUUUU. <3 <3 <3 I'm so, so thrilled you like the header!!! Hahahah, GASH, you're too kind! Honestly, though, I stand with you in awe at the header-making skillz of certain of our acquaintances. *aherm* Looking at you, Naomi and Natalie and everyone.

      AND OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH, GIRL!!! :D :D <3 <3 Same to you, girl friend, same. to. you. You are so beautiful, inside and out. <3

      THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SPLENDIFEROUS COMMENTS. They always make my day, every single time. :)

    2. Totally okay!! I know you're busy!!

      YOU'RE WELCOME AND THANK YOU SO MUCH, DEAR!!! (Ugh, yes and Miss March and Rae and EVERYONE like how are you all so talented???)

  15. I NEVER COMMENTED ON THIS POST??? What is wrong with me?

    I am so sorry, friend. *penitent hug*

    Also, I hadn't yet followed your new blog. I remember looking at it!!! Why hadn't I followed it? Darn it. Now I'm behind on posts. :P (Again, I'm sorry!! I was NOT ignoring your new blog by any means. I honestly don't understand what happened.)

    I'm so excited for this, Olivia. Excited for you, your new adventures, your new blog....!!!! *HUGS* It's going to be awesome. :D

    I already said in another comment how BEAUTIFUL your new header and design is....but I forgot to mention that picture of you on the sidebar!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It gave me such happiness to see it. That photoshoot was probably the most magical and fun shoot I ever did, hands down. :D I MISS YOU. <3

    You're so awesome Olivia and SUCH a blessing to me, too. <3 God is so good.

    Now I must see to you new blog. :D

  16. Congrats on your graduating! That is awesome news (that I am apparently terribly behind on). I will have to now go peek at your new blog!

  17. Congrats on your graduating! That is awesome news (that I am apparently terribly behind on). I will have to now go peek at your new blog!


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I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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