"Cloaked" {by Rachel Kovaciny} Cover Reveal!


Y'all know Hamlette?  WELL.

For several months now (how long has it been?), she has been working on a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, except in a Western setting.  Pretty cool, huh?

Well, fam, she's finished it.


And, if you couldn't tell, I'm "monstrous glad" about the whole thing. :D  

BUT IT GETS BETTER.  Because today, I have the privilege of participating in the cover reveal!!!  *squeals* 

Care to see it? 

(It's really cool, guys.)

Okay, okay, here it is:

*cue fanfare*


My reaction:

Is it not scarily awesome?!?!  I just, wow.  Like, can we talk about how they fused the mountain range and the hills and his hat?!  [I'm not sure if I can do those eyes, though.  Those are legit sort of scary if you look at them for too long. (I guess that's kind of the point.)]

Here's a short-n-sweet synopsis:

On the way to Wyoming Territory to visit her grandmother for the first time, sixteen-year-old Mary Rose meets a charming accountant with a sinister interest in her grandmother's ranch.

And now for the author's links:

Her official website = rachelkovaciny.com
Her main blog = hamlette.blogspot.com  {She also blogs about books over at The Edge of the Precipice.}
Her Facebook author page = facebook.com/RachelKovacinyAuthor/
Her Goodreads page = https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15099546.Rachel_Kovaciny

I think that wraps it up!  Hamlette/Rachel has a really good handle on stories in general and Westerns in particular, so I can't wait to get my hands on this.  I have a feeling it's going to be epic. :D

Cloaked will be available in e-book and paperback form from Amazon in a few weeks!!! :)


  1. :-D I rated a Chris Evans gif! Sweet.

    I agree, his eyes are creepy. That's cuz he's the bad guy, and he IS creepy. And the whole hat-is-mountains-is-hat thing is just amazing -- my cover artist is wonderful, what can I say? I'm already eager to see what she turns out for me next!

    Thanks so much for being part of the reveal, Olivia.

    1. You certainly did! Haha. :)

      Haha, makes sense. ;) She really is! I'm eager to see what comes next, too!

      Oh, you're most welcome -- t'was an honor! :)

  2. Oh yeah! If I had had time to find gifs before my sisters shooed me off the computer they would have been making the same reaction! The cover is absolutely a.m.a.z.i.n.g.!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Haha! I so get the whole rushing-posts-because-others-need-the-computer thing. :-P It really is!!!!

  3. That Chris Evans gif is almost exactly what I looked like when I saw the cover. Oh my goodness! Those eyes are kind of scary. I'm kind of glad to hear somebody else also thinks so. It kind of reminds me of the cover of The Great Gatbsy. I can't wait to read this book!!!

    1. Haha! *gasps* Whoa, I hadn't thought of The Great Gatsby, but you're so right -- it DOES remind me of that! Aaaahh, I know, same, girl. :D

  4. Haha, THE GIFS. XD It look SO GOOD!!!

  5. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* Isn't it beautiful??

    I love the creepy eyes. Can't wait to meet this villain guy ;-)

  6. Oh wow... I can't wait. Certainly a captivating and attention grabbing cover and synopsis. This cover reveal was showing up quite a bit in m feed, so I just had to check it out! :D

  7. My reaction was the same. It's GORGEOUS. :D

    1. I know, right?! Your reveal post was fabulous, btw. ;D


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