// autumn reads //

Hello, friends! In honor of the autumn that is well underway (at least in name, if not in weather) for most of us (not you, Gabby, I know ;D), I thought I might compile a list of books that seem to be especially appropriate to read in the fall. (Of course, some of these books are just always perfect; any place, any time. But y'know. :-P) Some of these are ones that I've personally been reading/re-reading recently (or am planning to soon), and others are ones that I may not get to for years, if ever, but that seem like good autumnal choices. :) (I don't necessarily love/enthusiastically recommend all of these books, just so y'all know.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ALWAYS AND FOREVER LEGIT ONE OF THE (IF NOT THE ) MOST BEAUTIFUL BOOK(S) EVER. As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been slooooooowly re-reading these off and on for the past couple months, and ALL THE PERFECTION IS PERFECT. ...