Movies: Month(s) in Review {May/June 2018}

Preamble is unnecessary. ;-P

A United Kingdom{2017}

I liked it a lot!  Didn't become a favorite, but it's still powerful.  It improved on a second watching, too.

Avengers: Infinity War

Well, that . . . happened.  I gotta admit that I didn't see that ending coming and am now "confusion".  (And kind of sadness, too.)

Oh, and for any of you who by this time are royally confused about my feelings on Marvel in general (I would be), here 'tis:  I really don't care much for the movies themselves, but I'm very invested in several of the characters.  So.  Don't like the genre, love some of the charries.

(Although then the characters also irritate me sometimes, too.)

Clear as mud?  Good.

Bella {2007}

You say you're alone, Bella?  I THINK FREAKIN' NOT.

This was so good!  Jose was a precious cinnamon roll of a puppy and I loved him.  Also the ending is feelsy.

Doctor Thorne {2016}

This one had some elements that seemed a little "weird" (mainly some of the actresses' voices, to be truthful), but I did enjoy it and I really want to watch it again.  I loved Tom Hollander as Doctor Thorne himself, and I liked Mary's love interest a lot. <3

Goodbye Christopher Robin {2017}

My heart has been affected.

AAAAAGGGHHH YES THIS WAS PERFECT AND I LOVED IT.  (It had me going for a while, there, though . . . *nervous laugh*)

Seriously this was My Aesthetic and it was perfect and I think it's one of the best period dramas produced in recent years.  Also, I completely fell in love with Domnhall Gleeson in it.  (Though my Robin Hood-loving heart isn't so sure about his interpretation of King Richard and Prince John. ;-P)

La La Land {2016}

I love the idea of this, but I'm sorry to say that the movie didn't capture me.  Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone do have an adorable chemistry, but . . . I don't know, things just feel Off to me.  Obviously, I didn't like that they lived together, and I didn't appreciate some of the strong language, but that's secondary to the fact that it just didn't grip me as much as would be desirable.  (I also don't like the ending because to me it kind of invalidates their love for each other, BUT ANYWHO that's just my personal opinion and I can't really discuss it further here because #spoilers.)

However, there certainly were things I liked about it: like I said, the two leads were good, and I like the music, and it's definitely an emotionally evocative film; again, it just wasn't as captivating for me as I would have liked.  ('Course, the fact that I watched it in about three disjointed sittings probably contributed to that.)  I also both like and dislike the aesthetic.

Napoleon Dynamite {2004}

This movie helped me find my alter ego: Kip Dynamite's voice.  So thanks, Natalie -- indebted to you, and all that. ;)

Priceless {2016}

Excellent movie.  My only quibble is that the narration seems cliché to me.  But that's a very minor quibble, believe me, considering how good the rest of the movie is.

Speed {1994}

(Don't ask.)

(Also, not super proud of this:  I kind of enjoyed it quite a bit.)

(Also: Keanu Reeves has a Rather Nice smile. *coughs*)

The Incredibles 2 {2018}


This was lovely!  I almost got a touch Emotional at the beginning, seeing all my fam back in action. :)

The Light Between Oceans {2016}

thanks for the heartache that is this story fam 'preciate it

I read and loved and was moved by the book earlier this year, and I was really pleased with the movie.  'Twas an excellent adaptation.  (Even if it did add superfluous sex scenes. :-p)  I loved that they included Tom's letter towards the end.  Plus it made me cry in about the same places as the book made me cry, so there's that.

The Man Who Invented Christmas {2017}

I've seen this two or three times now, and I like it a lot!  Very solid period drama (and by the way, Dan Stevens isn't actually as creepy-crazy-wild-eyed as the trailer and the above picture make it appear).

Thor: Ragnarok {2017}

Thor, you adorable dork.  Jeez Louise.

Whew, thank goodness we have this to come back to after the trauma of Infinity War.  (I think I'll definitely come back to this one in my mind when I'm getting depressed about the events of IW.)

Also, stating here and now for the record that Loki has been, is, and will be My Cinnamon Roll for always.  (I think.)

Let us discuss. ;D


  1. Great post, Olivia. :D I haven't seen most of these, but Bella and Goodbye Christopher Robin are DEFINITELY on my watch list. I'm very excited for Christopher Robin coming out in August too. When my family and I went to see Incredibles 2 (which was pretty incredible XP), we saw the full trailer for CR. (My sister did not watch it. She wants to go in cold turkey.) Hope all is well! <3

    God bless you!

    1. Also! I really like your new design! Very summery! <3

    2. Thanks, Sarah! I think you'd enjoy both of those movies. <3 And yes, Christopher Robin looks so cute, too! Feelings. <3 :) (The Incredibles 2!! Yass! I'd seen some clips before, too, but we saw a full trailer for CR in theaters for that, too. I hope your sister enjoys it come August. :D I get the whole "going in cold turkey" thing! I've learned that I have to generally wait to read friends' reviews of, say, books until after I've read them for myself, because otherwise my friends' opinions on the story can color MY opinion on the story.)

      Things are pretty well, thanks - how about for you, my friend? I thought of you recently *hugs*

      Awwww, thanks! So glad you like the design :D

    3. Yeah, I don't read a lot of reviews before reading a book, especially if I know it's clean or comes highly recommended.

      I'm doing well, thank you! Awww! You're so sweet. *hugsback* I hope you're enjoying your summer. :)

    4. Yeah. It helps me stay open-minded. :D

      Good! I had a busy summer, but things have calmed down now. :) (Sorry this is such a late reply!)

  2. I adore basically all these movies. XD

    Goodbye Christopher Robin had me crying from beginning to end. I was so dehydrated afterwards. XD Lala Land is one that, oddly enough, I loved. It wasn't necessarily the story itself that I love, but the fact that all of it together enchanted me (plus, I am a fan of whenever the characters don't end up together at the end of the film).

    Aw, I love Speed! It's a family classic. I first saw it when I was 8 or 9 and goodness gracious I was enthralled. I feel like it's a cotton candy movie.

    1. ACK YES GIRL YES. GCR was Affecting. Yeah . . . I don't know, necessarily, what about LLL doesn't "click" for me. (Haha, well, I can't say I'm also a fan of that in general . . . I think I also just wasn't satisfied with the reasons why they didn't end up together. Like the why just seemed kind of weak to me?? But hey, maybe they just genuinely weren't well-suited for each other, eh?)

      Haha, I liked it, too -- I was just surprised that I did because I guess I'd "heard things" (or thought I'd heard things) about it, and that kind of "high-octane" action/thriller isn't typically my genre. I enjoyed it a lot though! But -- good gracious, my love, you first saw it at that tender age?? But . . . but the intensity, my dear, the intensity!! Haha. It just wouldn't have been a good movie for ME to watch at that age, but if it worked for you, go for it! ;D

  3. Well said on your review of "A United Kingdom". Not a favorite, but still good. :)

    I feel the same way about the Marvel movies. I have my own standard in my head for which ones I watch and which ones I skip but I'm invested in the characters. (And Loki, he's probably the only "bad buy" I've more than "liked". Oh dear. At least I'm not alone. ;))

    Okay, I have to admit, I kind of like the "creepy-crazy-wild-eyed" impression the trailer gave of "The Man Who Invented Christmas". Mostly because I felt like I could relate to that side of the writing process. Who knows, maybe that means I'm creepy-crazy-wild-eyed too. Hehehe.

    I love these posts, Olivia!! (And your summer blog look, I love that too!)


    1. Thanks, Cordy! Glad you agree :)

      Gotcha. (Nope, you are CERTAINLY not alone in that. ;D)

      Well, I mean, there are PARTS where he does still have the creepy-crazy-wild-eyes, but I think I was just personally a little jarred by it, so I was relieved to find that the whole movie wasn't like that. Hahaha, no, I don't think you're creepy-crazy-wild-eyed!! Hehe. ;)

      Awww, thank you so much, m'dear! <3

  4. Oh my gosh, Napoleon Dynamite is HILARIOUS. Weird and kinda dumb, but hilarious all the same. ;P It has so many funny quotes, too! "Tina, eat the food!" Haha. XD

    THOR: RAGNAROK!!! I loved that film SOOO much and just can't get enough of it. It's definitely my favorite Marvel movie thus far--so fun, hilarious, and exciting. Also YES, Loki is just plain amazing in this movie (as per usual)!! Gosh, I just love him so much. (The "get help" scene is probably my fave. <3)

    Great post, Olivia!

    1. YES, it was so so so funny and quotable. xD Oh my gosh, yes, TINA! I'd practically forgotten about Tina. xD

      Ack, "get help." <3 It was a really entertaining film!!!

      Thank you so much! :D <3

  5. I really need to see these!! Great post Olivia, keep up the good work!

    1. You should! Aww, thank you so much, Grace -- I really appreciate that! :) <3

  6. Oooh I've wanted to see A United kingdom for ages but haven't had the chance. What did you watch it through? (Netflix, redbox, etc)

    Ahhh which Marvel movie characters are you invested in?

    I need to rewatch Bella, I don't remember if I liked it or not.

    oh Dr Thorne is on my 'to be watched' list for sure!

    EEK! I wanna see Goodbye Christopher Robin! (again I ask, what did you watch it throuh?)
    I completely agree with your opinion of La La Land and Napolean Dynamite.

    Priceless is, well, a priceless movie.

    Ah really? I was pretty disappointed with Incredibles 2.

    I really wanna see The light between Oceans. A lot.

    The man who invented christmas was an intersting movie. Not sure what I thought of it. Good and bad, to me.

    LOOOOOOOOKIIII my love! *swoons*

    1. We eventually got it from our library system, though I know it did come to Redbox, too (not sure if it's still there). I haven't seen anything about it's being on Netflix, but maybe? I hope you get to see it sometime! :D

      Hmm, mainly Loki, Thor, Tony/Iron Man, Peter/Spiderman, and sort of Black Widow and Bruce (though not as much for those two). :-P

      Gotcha. *nods*

      It's definitely worth a watch!

      IT WAS SO GOOD OH MY GOODNESS I'M CRYING. (Not really, but still.) (And the same way we did AUK. :))

      Oh, yay! I'm not alone about LLL. And ND is priceless!

      It's pretty darn good, that's for sure. ;)

      Aw, I'm sorry! Yeah, no, I definitely loved it. What didn't you like about it?

      SO good. So sad, but so good.

      Yeah, I could see it not being everyone's thing.


  7. I never saw this post!!! *is shocked at self* Now I must Proceed to Comment. :D

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Infinity War. Seriously adored that movie. It was SO SAD, but like, I went into it expecting Sadness, and it delivered. In an odd way, I guess you could say I found it . . . satisfying?? (Also: Wanda + Vision are my precious children forever and ever. <3)

    Y'know, I've been wanting to see Napoleon Dynamite! It look hilarious *grins*

    1. Ahhhh, yay! :D

      That makes sense! I'm never really a huge fan of stories in which it appears that "the bad guys" have entirely triumphed, so I didn't like the aftertaste. But . . . there's a part two, yes? And it's Marvel, so WHO KNOWS what will happen. ;) ;) And that does kind of make sense. If it delivered what you were expecting, and delivered it well, then there's no reason for it to have been unsatisfying, right? (Ack, poor Wanda. That was rough. :( )

      Napoleon Dynamite is SO FUNNY. Such a stupid kind of humor, but still and yet. ;) And, as I'm sure you've surmised, it is alllllllll the quotable.

  8. I meant to comment on this a while ago, but never got around to it. (Sorry about that.) Now I just want to say, I SO ENJOY YOUR MOVIE REVIEWS! They're so much fun to read!

    Good-bye Christopher Robin is definitely on my to-watch list. Also the other Christopher Robin movie that just came out. That one sounds really good, too.

    1. I'm sorry I haven't responded to your comment yet!

      Awww, thank you!!! That makes me happy. :D

      They're both quite good! Goodbye Christopher Robin is closer to my heart, but Christopher Robin is really sweet, too, and I know that it really touched several people. :D

  9. (HOW DID I MISS THIS????)

    I have seen Incredibles 2 (liked it better than the original), and Napoleon Dynamite. I really, really, want to see these others though!!! (Have you seen Christopher Robin?)

    1. (That's how I'm feeling about your comment! I'm sorry I'm replying so late!)

      All great movies! I have seen Christopher Robin, and it was really sweet!


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I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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