Dancing and Doughnuts {by Rachel Kovaciny}

[I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review and am posting as part of the Dancing and Doughnuts world tour . To see other posts in the tour, click here to see the full schedule.] *muffled squeals* GUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Dancing and Doughnuts has pretty much everything. Plot, characters, humor, pacing, detail, and ATMOSPHERE out the whazoo. It's wonderful. Let's start with characters. Jedediah Jones is the epitome of a likable protagonist. This guy was witty, responsible, and unflaggingly honest and chill. He doesn't feel the need to put on a 'tough guy' façade -- or any façade at all, for that matter. He is who he is and he knows it and he's cool with it and he's not super interested in protecting himself from other people's judgments or digs or what have you and he's not irritating because he doesn't seem like he's trying to pass himself off as flawless or right all the time and ca...