My Favorite YouTubers

I like YouTube a lot.  And I watch it a little too much. *ahem*  So I thought that I might as well share some of my favorite channels with you guys, because why not, right?  Right.  Here we go.  (Their names will be linked to the channels, and I'll also include one of my favorite videos for each of them. :))

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Katie (Gregoire) Emmerson

If I had to pick one absolute favorite, it might be this girl.  I love pretty much everything about her videos.  She can have the funniest, most feel-good relatable videos you've ever seen one minute, and then the next you're stunned by how deep some of them are.  Just yes. <3

A Personal Favorite

Emily Wilson

I'm not Catholic, but I get so much out of Emily's videos.  Her mission is so inspiring and I love that she's trying to empower women the right way, from a Biblical perspective.  She's also not afraid to talk about controversial or "awkward" topics, which I appreciate.  I'm sort of starting to see her as a spiritual mentor. <3 :)

A Personal Favorite

Kristin Johns

Not to be too cliché, but I love Kristin's positivity.  She just seems so sweet and adorable.  

A Personal Favorite (I love pretty much any of her vlogs!)

Jess and Gabriel are just adorable.  Their relationship seems really genuine and healthy and sweet, and I love watching it. <3

A Personal Favorite


I just found this channel very recently, but I already like it a lot.  If you're not even a little interested in teaching, you might not find it as fun as I do, but I think Brittany herself makes it entertaining.  She's so cute and happy and funny, and I love the way she edits her videos.

A Personal Favorite

John Crist

I always like finding new comedians to watch, and John Crist is a Christian comedian who likes to point out some of our quirky Christian idiosyncrasies.  So, basically a winner. ;)

A Personal Favorite

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Go check these guys out!  And give 'em a sub, they deserve it. ;)


  1. Oooh, yes! I love Katie and John Crist! :D

    1. Aren't they awesome, Gray?? Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. Same girl!! I probably spend wayyy to much time on youtube XD.

    The only channel that I've watched on here is Jess and Gabriel, and I LOOOOOOVE those two!!! They are sooo cute and sweet and their videos just make me really happy <3 :)

    I will definitely be looking up these other vloggers!!

    1. Haha, it's a struggle.

      They're so cute! I know, they're good mood-lifters. :D


  3. Yay, YouTubers! I really enjoy Katie and John Crist as well! :D And I'll have to check out these other ones now, too... =o

    (And I miiiight just possibly steal this idea for a post on my blog... maybe... ;D :P) Lovely post, Olivia! Hope you're doing well! <3

  4. I know Jess and Gabriel, and John Crist, but I didn't know any of the others. Ooo, I think I just found some knew people to subscribe to.

  5. OKAY I HAVE TO WATCH EMILY WILSON NOW. Thanks for the nudge, m'darling <3

    Katie Emmerson is the bestest of the bestest. *nods emphatically*

    1. oh and my favorite John Crist is the "Easter Shopping" one . . . it's just passive aggressive Christianity in all its glory and I can never stop laughing when I watch it xD xD

  6. These all look good and I'll have to check them out. The first one looks like she could be the older sister or twin of one of my friends. I've heard good things about Emily Wilson though I've never watched or listened to her. I definitely love teaching so the fivefootoneteacher is a must. ;) Have a blessed day!

  7. Oh, it seems we have similar taste! :D
    I'm subscribed to Katie, Jess and Gabriel (and Jess... and Gabriel :P), and I watch Kristin's videos on occasion (I watch Cody's and Lexy's sometimes too), and Emily Wilson (agreed though! I love how she handles "awkward" topics so well and she's so open but mature about it), and John Crist.
    I always find it interesting knowing who people watch - it really tells you a lot about their taste, sense of humour etc. ;)
    Great post! :D


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