Movies: Months in Review {December 2018/January 2019}

Arrival (2016) I'm not much for aliens, or for stories that mess with the space-time continuum, but this was actually a decent movie. The ending got a little weird, and I'm still not sure I completely understand everything, but it was interesting. I went into it very skeptical and it kept my attention. Beautiful Boy (2018) I thought this would be great, and it was. There was a loooooot of very strong language; and a sex scene that's pretty easily skippable; and, of course, "substance" out the whazoo; but for what it was supposed to be, it was very good. Fun fact: I had a cold the night I watched it, and I had been planning to take some medicine for it, but I was so disturbed by the show that I was determined that I would never put any kind of substance in my body ever again under any circumstances whatsoever. So that was interesting. :-P Gods and Generals (2003) AhEM. I don't know how accur...