The Chronicles of Narnia: Aesthetics
The Magician's Nephew
- gloomy summer
- surrealism
- gold & metals
- rings & waistcoats
- vibrant green
- industry
- new worlds
- sickness & hope

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- winter of winters
- dark-paneled wood
- creaking floors
- snow & ice
- red scarves
- faerie food
- redemption
- castles by the sea
The Horse and His Boy
- summer
- ocean spray
- desert dunes
- escape & freedom
- wind & mane
- tangerines
- fountains
- marble courtyards

Prince Caspian
- heart of spring
- restlessness
- thunderstorms & cherry blossoms
- siblings
- animal alliance
- returning
- politics
- rampant joy

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- summer
- ship decks & ocean waves
- red & purple & gold
- dragons
- tidepools
- cousins
- invisible horizons
- stars & lilies
- olive green & soft auburn
- soaked shoes & foggy marshes
- snakes
- rock formations
- cloaks & tents & stew
- secret sin
- subterranean light
- unicorns
- fiery sunsets & bloody sunrises
- sword & armor
- steel & starlight
- grief
- once & always
- new beginnings
- gloomy summer
- surrealism
- gold & metals
- rings & waistcoats
- vibrant green
- industry
- new worlds
- sickness & hope

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- winter of winters
- dark-paneled wood
- creaking floors
- snow & ice
- red scarves
- faerie food
- redemption
- castles by the sea

- summer
- ocean spray
- desert dunes
- escape & freedom
- wind & mane
- tangerines
- fountains
- marble courtyards

- heart of spring
- restlessness
- thunderstorms & cherry blossoms
- siblings
- animal alliance
- returning
- politics
- rampant joy

- summer
- ship decks & ocean waves
- red & purple & gold
- dragons
- tidepools
- cousins
- invisible horizons
- stars & lilies

The Silver Chair
- wet autumn- olive green & soft auburn
- soaked shoes & foggy marshes
- snakes
- rock formations
- cloaks & tents & stew
- secret sin
- subterranean light

The Last Battle
- dark spring- unicorns
- fiery sunsets & bloody sunrises
- sword & armor
- steel & starlight
- grief
- once & always
- new beginnings

Ah, Narnia, I started rereading in December, but I'm stuck fast in The Silver Chair with the also not loved and much depressing Last Battle Next.
ReplyDeleteThe Dawn Treader will always make my heart sing. I've wobbled back and forth between with a few for top favorites, but this is definitely the favorite. Joy and peace and light is what it feels like to me.
I get it. I have to be in a very particular mood to read The Last Battle.
DeleteYES. <3 <3
the gloriousnesssssssssssssssssss
ReplyDeleteThis post brought back so many beautiful memories. Thank you. <3
Thank YOU. <3
DeleteWow okay that was beautiful and brought back sooo many memories. <3
ReplyDeleteThe Silver Chair has always been my favorite one, and "wet autumn" and "olive green & soft auburn" especially capture that feel so well and just...I think I need to reread it. :D
Awww! Thank you so much! Yes, you should absolutely reread it. ;)
DeleteBEAUTIFUL!!!! <3<3<3. I love how you picked photos that weren't from the movies but they go perfectly!
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks! Yeah it took me a while but I like it too. :-P
DeleteGorgeous! <3 This series is the best and you picked the perfect aesthetics for each of the books!!!
ReplyDeleteThank youuuuu. <3
DeleteSuch aestheticness!! (Is that a word? *shrugs*) I haven't even read all of the Narnia books yet, but this is such a cool post... It's such a neat way in which to get an overview of what each book will be like! (And it makes me want to get to reading the rest of them even more. ;) )
ReplyDeleteHope you've been doing well, Olivia! <3
Haha, it works for me. ;D Thank you! I really hope you enjoy it if you finish the series. ;)
DeleteThanks! I've been pretty well. <3 Hope you have, too!
I love this!! Perfect timing--my family and I just did a Narnia movie marathon yesterday. :D
ReplyDeleteOoh, now's a perfect time to do a Narnia marathon! Which is your favorite movie?