Movies: Month in Review {May 2020}

Dark Waters ● 2019

Dark Waters isn't a horror movie, but it's the scariest movie of the year. Here's why.

Technically, I probably only saw about half of this, all told.  But I still felt as though I'd gotten the full story, and I thought it was very good.  The last line made me feel a couple of #emotions, which I hadn't really planned on.  (And then the credit song was "I Won't Back Down," and Johnny Cash is just a solid idea in most situations, so, you know, I appreciated that.)

Instant Family ● 2018

What Mark Wahlberg’s new movie Instant Family gets right and wrong about foster care

Stronger language than you're expecting in a "family" movie like this, but it was cute and well-done and seemed less cliché than most of its kind.  Byrne and Wahlberg were excellent, as usual.  So were Octavia Spencer and Tig Notaro.

(Also, may I just say, the scene where the parents Go After the pedophilic janitor was very satisfying.)

Life as We Know It ● 2010

Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel in Life as We Know It (2010)

*SPOILERS (I guess? you don't really care)*  This bothered me because I felt like the doctor was objectively a better fit for Holly than Messer was.  And on multiple levels, too:  the two of them had already been interested in each other for a long time, their goals and interests were more congenial, AND the doctor wasn't a flippant jerk.  Soooooo . . . there's that.

[And I'm not just saying that because Messer was one of the flirty, reckless, bad-boy types.  Y'all know I love Han Solo and Killian Jones and multiple other Scalawags.  But those Scalawags are more or less "harmless" in their roguishness (yes I know Killian used to be an adulterous murderer but hush we're speaking of these guys in present not past tense here).  Messer, on the other hand, was Actively Problematic. 

His relationship with Sophie was cute, sure.  But is caring about a baby who has been 
placed in your guardianship really a virtue, or is it just the absence of a flaw?  
We're asking the real questions here at Rivendell. 😄

I didn't absolutely hate him; and he and Holly did have occasional cute moments.  But I maintain that Holly and the doctor would have been a BETTER couple.

(I may be saying that partially because the doctor is played by Josh Lucas, and we like Josh Lucas in this household.) 

(But mainly it's because his character was A Solid Guy All Around and Messer was not.)

(Glad I could clarify that for you.)]

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ● 2019

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Poised To Cast $50M Opening Spell; Zombieland 2 Hunting $25M  Early B.O. Projection #Popculture
We love these three.


That's how I felt before I watched this one.  I've loved the first movie ever since its release, but I didn't really see the need for a sequel unless it would be to tie up tHE ONE LOOSE END OF THAT ONE RELATIONSHIP *ahem*.  

I'm actually going to be discussing that more in an upcoming post, but for now I will say that I was surprised by this movie.  It didn't do what I wanted it to do, but I found myself not really minding all that much.  The plot wasn't as engrossing as I'd hoped it would be, but at the same time, given that that was the case, I also liked it more than I expected I would.  The middle and end were stronger than the beginning, which was also a surprise. 

Em Malévola: Dona do Mal, uma sequência do sucesso de bilheteria global de 2014, Malévola e sua afilhada Aurora começam a questionar os complexos laços familiares que as prendem à medida que são puxadas em direções diferentes por casamentos, aliados inesperados e novas forças sombrias em jogo. #Malevola #maleficent #disney #maleficent2

Random thoughts:
  • Angelina Jolie.  Always.  (Her outfits in this one, y'all.)
  • I loved Chiwetel Ejiofor's character and I wanted better for him. 😟
  • All of the parts with the Dark Fae were visually fascinating.  I loved their world. 
    • (Except for that bit where the one dude sniffed Maleficent.  That was weird.  Like, bro.  We don't stan that.)
  • Phillip was, again, A Solid Guy All Around.  I liked how his and Aurora's relationship was developed:  trust, respect, no drama, good stuff. 

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ● 2019

if you look in the trailer rey takes a little step back, they are destroying it together! It’s not part of fighting each other. She is helping kylo destroy the past

I have mixed feelings on this one.  I'd already managed to effectually spoil almost everything for myself (well done, self *pats self on the back*), so nothing really shocked me.  

I guess the simplest way to summarize my thoughts is to say that: 1) I understand why the creators made most of the artistic choices they made, and 2) I just personally didn't like several of those artistic choices.  And there were a couple of loose ends that still bother me.  But it's okay.  I ain't losin' sleep over it. 😜

(OH BUT I FOR SURE HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT CERTAIN COUPLE POSSIBILITIES.  You can bet your buttons I do. 😉  That, too, will be saved for the aforementioned upcoming post.)

The Hustle ● 2019

The Hustle (2019)

As I told a friend, this one had more "stupid" humor than I care for (i.e. pratfalls, other forms of physical humor, etc.).  But, at the same time, I love its commentary on social gender politics, and Hathaway and Wilson are wonderful together.  (I have said it before and I will say it again:  Anne Hathaway is my queen.)  

I think I'll watch it again.

What did you watch last month?


  1. I think we can say, definitively and conclusively, that I would Not like Mr. Messer.


    (Looking forward to your thoughts on certain Couple Possibilities from RoS--you know my sentiments, but it's something I always enjoy discussing. :D :D)

    1. We most certainly can say, VERY definitively and VERY conclusively, that you would Not Like Mr. Messer. If the "roguish bad boy" even bothered ME, we can safely say that he would definitely bother you. xD

      (Indeed, indeed! And I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the post! :D)

  2. The Hustle was hysterical! I love Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway has always been my Queen too.

    1. Yes! There's a part that still makes me physically giggle every time I think of it.

  3. Love The Hustle.

  4. Hooray! I've actually seen TWO movies on this list! xD

    Instant Family... agreed, was not expecting that much language for the movie but ASIDE from that I did really enjoy it. It was sweet.

    Veryyy excited to hear your thoughts in further detail on RoS (especially with couple possibilities ;)).

    Ohh, I'm intrigued with the Maleficent! I saw the first one and rather liked it... would definitely be interested to see the second.

    I agree about Anne Hathaway. ;) Her acting always inspires me.

    1. Huzzah! :D

      Yep, Instant Family was well-done.

      Haha, yeah (I mean, I'm really ONLY talking about the couple possibilities, but yes xD).

      I love Maleficent! I don't think I'd say the second one is better, per se, but then again, it all depends on the individual.

      Yes. :D Love her. <3

  5. I kinda want to see Dark Waters and both Maleficent movies. And The Hustle. Interested to hear your fuller thoughts on Rise of Skywalker!

    I only watched 5 movies last month (blame rewatches of The Mandalorian and my frenetic book editing). They were:

    The Sheepman (1958) -- love it
    The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) -- didn't hate it
    What did You do in the War, Daddy? (1966) -- once was enough
    Anne of Green Gables (1985) -- adore it
    Backlash (1956) -- it was okay

    1. I think you'd like all of them. The Maleficent movies get better and better, to me, the more I think about them. (I think my next "ranking" post may be live-action Disney adaptations. ;-P) Thanks! (Really, it's only about the different couples, so I'd hate for you to get your hopes up, but yes.)

      I have only heard of AoGG, of those (well, aside from Baskervilles), but it was neat to hear which you loved and which were 'meh'. ;D

    2. That's still fuller thoughts.

      Of those 5, I'd seen The Sheepman and AOGG before. So it was all the new ones that I either didn't care much for or shrugged about. Which is nice, in a way, cuz now I have things OFF my TBW shelves that didn't go ON my regular shelves.

    3. That it is.

      Exactly! It's very satisfying to be able to unhaul books and movies.

  6. Ah, Rise of Skywalker!!! I saw it twice in the theater (that's the first time I've ever done that) and the first time I was bothered by some plot holes, but the second time I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I want to rewatch!!

    1. I get that! There are definitely a couple things that bother me, but I also see why people love the movie.


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