Characterization in Television

Character-driven vs. plot-driven. It's an almost ubiquitous dichotomy in the debates and discussions that thread their way through the online story community. When you read a book — or watch a movie, for that matter — is your opinion of it more likely to be influenced by the strength of its characterization or by the strength of its plotline? In other words, are you a character-driven or a plot-driven reader (or viewer)? For myself, I've never felt able to satisfactorily answer that question. Because the real answer, in my own case, is neither. When it comes to books and movies, I'm neither character-driven nor plot-driven. (What I'm looking for differs slightly from one medium to another, but in general, and in somewhat oversimplified terms, my priorities are writing style, theme, and aesthetic.) However! I have realized in recent months that, while I can't parse my story preferences quite so distinctly when it comes to literature a...