'My Rock and My Refuge' Virtual Book Tour | Review

I had the privilege of being an advance reader for Rachel Kovaciny's latest novel , My Rock and My Refuge , which retells the classic fairytale "Beauty and the Beast" in an Old West mining town. I genuinely enjoyed it, and for today's stop on the virtual book tour, I'll be sharing my Goodreads review. 😊 Read on, Lizzy! ⸻ Another satisfying installment of the Once Upon a Western fairy tale retellings, My Rock and My Refuge features my favorite love story in the series so far. It is what we could call swoon-worthy. 😉 Retelling the “Beauty and the Beast” romance can be tricky, but I genuinely loved what the author did with it here. Definitely the healthiest, most relaxed, most adorable take on the couple I’ve ever encountered. I won’t say too much here, because I don’t want to spoil the fun of experiencing it firsthand, but I loved how well-adjusted and forthright it was. There’s no pretense, there’s no melodrama; everyone is pretty upfront abo...