The In or Out Tag

Let's have a good round of bookish Q&A, shall we? I'm borrowing this tag from Rachel over at The Edge of the Precipice . The idea is to give your vote on various bookish tropes and design elements; it's jolly good fun. There are no rules and no tagging protocols, so, let's just dive in! Reading the Last Page First | IN and OUT . It really depends. I used to do it a lot when I was younger, actually. Now it's rarer, but I'm not opposed to it on principle. Enemies to Lovers | IN . Love a good "sparks flying" couple. Dream Sequences | OUT , I guess. I mean, they can be cool every now and then, but for the most part . . . eh. Just don't care for 'em. Love Triangles | IN . They don't bother me. As long as they make sense for the story, I'm down. Cracked Spines | IN . I prefer paperbacks to hardcovers on the whole, and I often need to crack the spine of a paperback at some point in order to make the book easier to hol...