My favorite springtide films. πŸŒΈπŸƒ

Spring is officially here in the Northern hemisphere, even by the exacting and unreasonable standards of those who subscribe to the astronomical rather than the meteorological method. 😜  Accordingly, it's time for some vernal film recs!  Spring is my favorite season — plus one of my favorite things, in general — and it means a lot to my sentimental little soul, so these films hold a special place in my heart since they evoke the season so beautifully. ♡

Let's go in chronological order of release date to spare me the headache of trying to rank all of these!

❀ My Fair Lady (1964) 

The actual love of my life. *blissful sigh*  It's essentially perfect and you can't change my mind.  And it's very springlike:  lots of flowers and frilly dresses and English teas, contrasted with misty nighttime exteriors and rich, warm libraries.

❀ Return to Me (2000) 

So sweet and refreshing and uplifting and funny.  The springtime vibes are gentle and homelike:  a few blossoming trees, walks in the park, rooftop gardens, bicycle rides, pizzerias.  Such a lovely film that deserves more attention.

❀ The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) 

Such a hysterical movie, absolutely stacked with comedic acting talent.  A witty, superb adaptation of Wilde's play, and one that also evokes a leisurely spring/summer in the English countryside.  Pinks and greens and golds galore, rolling lawns, tea parties, balconies, streams, hay carts, and all kinds of farce and folly.  Delicious stuff.  

❀ The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) 

This is the newest-to-me film on the list; I just watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I loved it.  So satisfying and soothing — and springlike, of course!  The cottagecore aesthetic?  Flawless.  The whimsical fae microcosm setting?  Superb.

❀ This Beautiful Fantastic (2016) 

This movie owns full copyright to spring and that's simply a fact.  I talk about this film so often that I'm pretty sure you already know my feelings on it. πŸ˜‰  But, for the sake of today's post, I'll refer to this excerpt from my original review:

"It's a love letter to plants and the people who care about them. That first scene in Alfred's garden makes you feel that vibrant, impressionistic energy flowers have; it makes you remember greenhouses and the moist, sweet air inside them, and the buzzing, humming, happy activity that seems to permeate a plant-filled space, even while there's an equally coexistent hush and stillness."

Yep.  Pretty much.

❀ This Is Not What I Expected (2017) 

The ultimate spring rom-com, for me.  I'm not even 100% sure why this movie is so inextricably linked to spring in my mind.  Is it the open-air market?  The sunlight?  The music?  The color palette?  All of the above, I suppose.  In any case, it's a delightful rom-com (albeit with a couple of weird/corny moments) and I love it dearly and I wish it was better known.

Mary Poppins Returns (2018) 

The impeccable London-in-the-spring vibes!  This movie's got 'em all.  The cumulus clouds.  The parks.  The music.  The balloons.  THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS.  (Also, Emily Mortimer and Lin-Manuel Miranda being one of the single most adorable couples in existence.  Also, Emily Blunt.)

Honorable mentions time!  These shows either aren't as exclusively "spring-like" in my mind (meaning that I associate other seasons with them, as well) or they aren't as beloved, so they didn't make the final cut.  But I do think they give off good springtime vibes, so here they are:

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
Wives and Daughters (1999)
The New World (2005)
Gnomeo and Juliet (2011)
Belle (2013)
Cinderella (2015)

What's your favorite season?
Which films make you think of springtime?


  1. "Mary Poppins Returns" is, indeed, springtime perfection.

    "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Secret World of Arietty" are both Studio Ghibli movies, correct? I've heard a lot about Studio Ghibli, but I've been a little wary of trying it myself. What do you think? Would you Recommend, Jeeves?

    1. It's a love of a film. *hugs it*

      Yep, yep! So, funnily enough, I'm just now starting to get into Studio Ghibli, myself. And I've realized that I want Vibes Only(TM) from Studio Ghibli films -- I don't like the ones that are heavier on plot or characterization. I just want whimsical, nature-heavy stories with lots of good food appreciation, told through gorgeous animation. :-P So, that said . . . I haven't watched enough Ghibli to guess whether you'd like it or not, but I AM guessing that we'd probably want different things from Ghibli movies anyway? If that makes any sense?

    2. Mmmmmmmmmm, okay, that is good to know. So the Studio Ghibli movies you've mentioned here are less about plot and character and more about atmosphere and vibes?

      Their animation does look really, truly gorgeous, which is why I've been considering trying them, but I'm like "I don't understand what they're all ABOUT though." Which may be by design, if I understand you rightly...?

    3. I'd say so for Arrietty, at least. Kiki's Delivery Service is more plot-driven.

      Yeah, I get that. I will say, I know for a fact that there are lots of Ghibli movies that ARE heavily driven by plot/characterization -- Grave of the Fireflies, for example, or The Wind Rises. (I've only seen the latter and I didn't like it but it was a fine movie.) But there are other Ghibli movies that are more about The Vibes, like Arrietty or Ponyo. (They have plot/characterization, of course, but you understand me.) And then there are the in-betweens, like Castle in the Sky, which sort of balance both artistic goals.

      That's the hunch I'm developing, at least. :-P

    4. Very reasonable, very reasonable.

  2. I need to watch more Studio Ghibli, I've only seen Howl's Moving Castle. I love The Importance of Being Earnest. I'm looking at my list, I had some general genres. I had Cinderella 2015, Oscar Wilde Adaptations, Emma 2009 and 2020. Hallmark (there is a Irish one with Alan Leech in it that is so cute). Anything Irish for St. Patrick's like Leap Year, although technically that is winter. I need to add some of these I've not seen/heard of from your list. I tried What If from one of your lists, and I adored it. Not sure what season I'd put that in. Maybe more summer?

    1. I'm about to pick up Howl's Moving Castle, actually! (I have it on hold at my library.)

      For sure, most of the Emma adaptations are very springlike. And I have some of the music from Leap Year on my spring playlist. :)

      Ahhhh, so glad you enjoyed What If! Isn't it great? I've actually struggled to pinpoint its season, myself -- I've leant more towards winter, for some random reason.

  3. I need to watch The Secret World of Arrietty soonly, I see! I took my kids and niece & nephew to see My Neighbor Totoro last month, and I want to keep this Studio Ghibli ball rolling. I am pretty sure I picked up a copy at 2nd and Charles a while ago, sooooooo I just need to unearth it :-D

    1. It's a charming little tale! What a fun coincidence that we're both on a Studio Ghibli kick right now. I looked for Arrietty and another Ghibli at 2nd & Charles this past weekend, and alas, no luck. (Well, that is, they did have a copy of the other Ghibli, but the price was a bit steep so I did without.)

    2. The only other Ghibli film I have seen is Kiki's Delivery Service, which I saw back in college. I remember liking it okay, but not nearly as much as Totoro.

      I think Arrietty is lesser-known, which might be why I picked it up cheap. Or maybe I was just the lucky recipient of a pricing error, mwahahaha!

    3. I've seen . . . seven, now? I think? And I have a few more checked out from my library that I'm hoping to watch shortly. A friend who works at the library told me about the Ghibli Fest that Fathom Events does with Regal (for some reason I hadn't connected the dots with your excursion to see Tortoro so I'm tentatively hoping to catch one of those showings at some point.

      Yep, that makes sense -- either way, score!

  4. These kinds of posts make me so happy. But also spring. Spring makes me very happy. (Except we're heading into autumn, hehe.)

    MY FAIR LADY! Yes, I hadn't even thought about it before, but now that you mention it, it does indeed give off Spring Vibes.

    Ahh, I've yet to sit down and watch The Important of Being Earnest! I saw it live on stage last year, though!

    And This Beautiful Fantastic is, indeed, spring. Also, "Return to Me" sounds interesting (I don't know it, but you had me at pizzeria xD)!

    Ohh, I need to see Mary Poppins Returns again. I haven't seen it since it came out in theatre. (But also, just because you mentioned Lin Manual Miranda - I just saw Hamilton live at QPAC (Australia's mini version of Broadway, haha - Lin-Manuel actually visited it there last week!) and it was AMAZING. THAT MAN IS A GENIUS. I was just blown away by the story telling and lyric writing and choreography and delivery and ohhh. Insane.)

    P.S. I'm so glad to be back reading your posts! Ahh, I've missed them. xx

    1. So glad you enjoy this kind of post, too, Gabby! Ha, yes -- the neverending fun of having friends on the other side of the equator. xD

      Doesn't it, though?

      Oh, I think you'll get a kick out of The Importance of Being Earnest -- it's so funny. Same with Return to Me -- funny and sweet and gentle.

      Ahhh, congrats on seeing Hamilton live! It's a great musical.

      P.S. Thank you so much, my friend! That's so kind of you. <33


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