Lately: Spring 2023

Hello, my loves. ♥ I started this year with the tentative goal of posting at least twice a month, and obviously that hasn't worked out too well for me. But, I have been managing to meet the once-a-month mark (even if I get the post in just under the wire, as is the case today 😅) , so we'll take what progress we can get. In lieu of the heavier duty posts I have in draft, I thought it would be nice to have a cozy little 'miscellaneous' post. It's been quite a while since I've given any kind of in-depth life update or talked about what I'm into right now in terms of books, movies, music, etc. So, why not do that today? Lately, I've been . . . ☙ Watching - much more TV than I used to. || I've always been more of a film girly, and I think I still prefer film as a narrative medium, but I do find it much easier to keep up with a TV episode here and there now that I'm working and studying full time. My evenings are pretty tight at the moment, so ...