A Few of My Favorite Fictional Mothers

First of all: A gentle hug for all of those to whom this day brings more pain than joy. For those who have lost children, for those who have lost mothers, for those who wish they could have a closer connection to their child or their mother, for those who have been abused by their child or their mother, for those who — for whatever reason at all — just have a complicated relationship with this day. You are inexpressibly loved. ♥ Happy Mother's Day, my little munchkins! In honor of the holiday, I wanted to spotlight some of my favorite mamas in the realm of fiction. This is a small sampling, and there are, of course, several other maternal characters for whom I harbor deep affection. 😉 In the interests of narrowing down the list, I tried to confine this post to characters who are either introduced to the story as mothers or whose maternal role is one of their most significant contributions to the story. That's why I'm not including the lovely ladies p...