Legends of Western Cinema Week | Wrap-Up

Another Western Week on the books!  As always, thanks a million to everyone who's participating.  I always get a kick out of hosting with Heidi and Rachel, and we love seeing what you guys contribute!

Remember, the party runs through today, so you can still get a post or two in under the wire if you'd like.  And don't forget to check out my co-hosts' giveaways, here and here!

I hope to comment on several party posts today, and maybe watch a Western this evening after work.  Do any of you have any Western-related plans to commemorate the end of the party? 😉

Lest you've missed any, you can find everyone's LoWCW posts for this year in the widget below.  Be sure to add links to your own if you've shared any!

'Til next year, partners!


  1. This was great--thanks again for hosting, ladies!

  2. Always so fun & such a highlight of my summer -- thanks again for helping host! :)

  3. 'Twas a jolly week, to be sure!

    BTW, I tagged you with the Sunshine Blogger Award! Play if you want to :-)

    1. 'Twas indeed!

      And thanks for the tag! Hoping to post my answers sometime this month. :)


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Comments make my day. Seriously. I'd be so happy if you commented. :)

I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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