The Sunshine Blogger Award | August 2023 Edition

Greetings, all! I've been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by my pals Ivy Miranda and Rachel , and they've come up with some fun questions. Thanks loads, ladies! The rules are pretty basic: just thank the person(s) who nominated you and link to their blog(s), answer the questions they asked you, nominate eleven blogs yourself, and give your nominees eleven new questions. As has (unfortunately) become my wont, I'm not going to nominate anyone new, partially because most of the people I'd nominate have already been so. But! I did very much enjoy answering these questions and wholeheartedly invite you to do so yourself if you haven't already. Let's get into it. [My graphics game is chaotic today (not a cohesive aesthetic in sight), so, be forewarned.] ⸻ ✵ Ivy's Questions ✵ 1. What's your favorite memory of 2023 so far? Don't know that I can choose one specific one, but, generally: taking trips to/with friends, hiking, se...