Celebrating My 10th Blogging Anniversary

Yes, indeedy, people:  This month marked a very special blogiversary for me.  My tenth blogiversary, to be exact.  A whole decade of Meanwhile, in Rivendell . . . — a whole decade of creative development, a whole decade of a desperately needed safe space, a whole decade of what are still some of the most meaningful friendships of my life. 

I may wax a touch emotional in a moment, Jeeves.

I had grand plans for this celebratory post, like a) writing an essay's worth of sentimental sludge and b) hosting a giveaway of some sort and c) actually publishing it on my blogiversary (which was over two weeks ago).  Ahem.  But, as I have been so many times before when sitting down to share on this platform, I'm currently up to my eyeballs in work and school and health and general Life Stuff™, and we must adjust our expectations.  

I'm actually okay with that, though.  Not to sound like a Christian Instagram girlie, but one of the things I've most treasured about this blog is the way that it's just been a companion and witness to so many different seasons in my life.  Even when I have to take extended posting breaks, I know that I'm going to come back to it at some point, and I don't see that stopping any time soon.  (I mean, one never knows.  But for now, I don't think we're going anywhere.)  So, having to settle for a more low-key commemoration due to Circumstances™ is actually pretty on-brand for Rivendell, and I kind of love it for that.

Thus, I will content myself with simply popping on here to (belatedly) mark the day and issue a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has made the blogosphere such a welcoming and rewarding space for me and for so many others.  From the OGs whose period drama blogs inspired our starry-eyed ingenue selves (we all know who they are) to the newest readers just entering the scene, every one of y'all have made a genuine difference in my life and I appreciate you more than you know.


To those of you who waded through the mire of teenage fangirlhood with me, thank you for not only tolerating but celebrating and reciprocating my passion for story.
To those of you who are gone now, thank you for sharing even a brief season of your life with me.
To those of you who are still here, thank you for staying.
In the words of Noah Kahan,
you've got all my love. ♥ 


  1. Happy Anniversary! You're blog is wonderful! And you yourself have brought so much laughter and life to everyone who comes here : ) I love your final gif (and you're gif game is always on point!), I forgot how cute those two were.

    1. Thank you so much, Ivy! I really appreciate your message and am so glad I got to know you through blogging. <3 And thanks, haha! I'd forgotten about that gif myself, and when I stumbled across it, I was all, "*gasp* It's perfect!"

  2. You made me feel feelings with this post, Jeeves. You did indeed.

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY to one of my best and oldest blogging pals!!!

    *showers you with hugs and confetti*

  3. Hey, congrats Olivia!! Ten years is a wonderful accomplishment!
    Also yay for the Noah Kahan reference ^_^

    1. Thanks so much, Marian! Glad people enjoyed the Kahan reference as much as I did. ;-P

  4. Happy blogging anniversary, Olivia!!
    I’ve been following your blog for a couple of months now and I really enjoy your posts! I was thinking of starting my own blog, and was wondering if you have any advice for a newbie like me :)
    Thanks so much!

    1. Blogger appears to have eaten a couple of my recent(ish) replies to you, Thiri! That's irksome.

  5. And I can't say how much your blog has meant to me. <3 Happy blogoversary! Noah Kahan hits deeply so well placed.

    1. *cries* Thank you, Chloe! I'm so grateful to know you. <33

  6. Congrats! I love your blog.

    It's always nice to have something of your life to for you to go back and look over. I sometimes use mine to fill in timelines of my life.

    Also, that ending gif! Ah, Robin Hood memories!

    1. Thank you, Livia! I appreciate that.

      It definitely is. I do the same thing! It's fun to go back and track life events through the blog timeline.

      I KNOW. *cries a little bit*


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