Dream Cast | Ella Enchanted {by Gail Carson Levine}

Hey, hi, hey! While rereading this book for the first time in ages this past month, I thought again about how cool an updated cast could be for a new film adaptation. Dream casting a book always feels a little artificial to me since I tend to see characters in my head only as vague outlines; my mental images of them definitely aren't clear or detailed. (Not usually, at any rate.) Still, artificiality notwithstanding, creating dream casts is a process I quite enjoy, when I have enough ideas for them, and I wanted to make one for this long-time favorite. Several secondary characters are missing from this cast — for example, for the life of me, I can't decide on a good candidate for Slannen — but I think I've got the major players covered as well as a couple of random "cameo"-type characters. I've also included snippets from the book that contribute to my ideas of each character's physical appearance. ⸻ Ella Jenna Ortega "You were...