Top Ten Tuesday | I Read Dead People

Oh, friend, forget not, when you fain would note in me a beauty that was never mine, how first you knew me in a book I wrote, how first you loved me for a written line. - Edna St. Vincent Millay - I'm finally joining the Top Ten Tuesday link-up hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl ! I needed something short 'n' sweet for this month's post, and this fit the bill nicely. Today's TTT prompt is "Authors I'd Love a New Book From," with freedom to interpret that definition however you choose. I've decided to restrict my candidates to deceased authors (RIP). I haven't read every work by every author on my list, but I still feel confident that I'd be interested in reading more from them even if I had. In no particular order, then, here they are: ten authors who I (selfishly & with shocking entitlement) wish had written just a little bit more before they passed away. ⸻ ❧ C.S. Lewis My boy was fairly prolific, it must be acknowledged, but to par...