Announcing Legends of Western Cinema Week 2024

Look what the cat dragged in:  another Legends of Western Cinema Week!

My pals, Heidi (of Along the Brandywine) and Rachel (of Hamlette's Soliloquy), and I are teaming up yet again to bring you this year's rip-roaring, boot-stomping week of Western fun.  Won't you join us?  We'll be celebrating and analyzing our favorite Westerns (or our not-so-favorite Westerns; the key is to keep any criticism essentially productive/constructive and to generally embrace the positive spirit of the event), and I promise you that it's a grand old time.

2024's event will run from July 22 through July 26.  As always, there will be tag questions for everyone to answer if they are so inclined.  (And comment answers are just as valid as post answers, for those of you who want to participate but don't have blogs!)  

Beyond the tag, we'll have to see what comes to fruition by the time next month rolls around, but generally speaking, participants can expect to find reviews, top ten lists, games, character studies, a giveaway or two, and more at this shindig.  Most people post primarily about Western films and TV shows for this event, but posts on Western novels are always more than welcome, as well!

Each of the co-hosts typically puts a link-up widget in our kick-off posts once the shenanigans commence, and we'll often include them in a wrap-up piece, too.  Everyone adds links to their posts to the widget as the party progresses, and this makes it super easy for you to see everything that's published for the event, even if you don't follow every blog that contributes.  So, be on the look-out for that link-up!

Lastly, please feel free to save these buttons and use them to spread the word of the party on your own platforms.  We always want as many people as possible to participate — after all, the more participation, the more Western goodness for everyone to enjoy!

See you in Silverado July!


  1. I'm just never going to get tired of seeing that Man from Snowy River button :-D :-D :-D

    Or of this event! Always a highlight of my summer!

    1. I knew you'd appreciate the MFSR button! I'm partial to it myself. :D :D

      And yes! Such a fun time, every summer!

  2. What fun! I haven’t seen THAT many westerns, but I do love some high west action! :P

    1. Thanks, Astrya! And don't worry, no quota for number of Westerns watched in order to participate in/enjoy the event! ;)

  3. Yay! & seconding what Rachel said... definitely one of my favorite summer traditions! <3

  4. This will be a grand old time, as always! :D I can't wait! (And it happens AFTER I get home from Realm Makers this year, so hopefully I'll be able to participate a little more!

    1. We can't wait, either! (And huzzah! So glad you might get to have more fun with it this year. :D)


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