Legends of Western Cinema Week | Belated Wrap-Up

*peeks timidly around the corner* Hello, there. Who's this sneaking back to very belatedly wrap up a party that ended several days ago? Couldn't be me, certainly . . .

Yes, folks, I must admit that the end of this year's Legends of Western Cinema Week rather got away from me.  Several real-life engagements commandeered my attention in rather unavoidable ways; c'est la vie.  

Still and yet, I enjoyed this year's party and look forward to (hopefully?) sharing more posts in next year's.  Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun last week; be sure to check out everyone's contributions (linked below); and we'll see you next time. *waves*


  1. this screencap is making me ship those two and I don't have the context to know whether that's a good or bad thing XD

    Lovely party, Olivia! Thanks for hosting! <3

    1. Hehehe, well, *I* think it's a good thing, but I guess you'd have to watch the show to decide for yourself. xD

      Thank you, Katie! <3

  2. Thanks for co-hosting this blogathon! The Legends of Western Cinema Week event has given me a reason to seek out programming from the Western genre. By the way, I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Here's the link to my award post!


    1. Thanks for joining, Sally! I hope you find some Western gems. And thanks so much for the tag! Looking forward to it. :D

  3. Hello there old friend! I’ve finally come back to blogging!
    ~ Miss Evelyn


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