Tolkien Blog Party 2024 | My Tag Answers

Well, folks, another Tolkien Blog Party is drawing to a close. Today is the last day of Rachel's shindig, and therefore, high time for me to post my answers to this year's tag. Before we begin, though, a moment of silence for the end of a (sort of) era. For the last several years I've used collages from a gorgeous Tumblr series as graphics for my tag answers, but at long last, I've used all or most of them at least once before. I don't particularly want to recycle them, so I'm not including any in this post, but I think that Tumblr creator has made other Middle-earth inspired collections, so maybe I can scope out some new ones to use in coming years! Anyway. RIP, "modern LOTR aesthetics". You did us a solid. ✌ On a cheerier note, read on for the 2024 tag questions and my answers thereto. ⸻ 1. The Shire: What place in Middle-earth do you think would feel the most like home for you? Well, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?...