Media Recommendations Based on Your Favorite Autumnal Activities

Hi, everyone! I thought that this might be the month that broke my posting streak, but it turns out that old goals habits die hard, so here we are. 😉 The title is pretty self-explanatory; I thought it would be fun to match atmospheric books, movies, etc. to iconic fall-time hobbies. (As always, use your own discretion with these; the media listed here encompass a wide variety of content levels.) source If you like hiking , try The Fellowship of the Ring ( by J.R.R. Tolkien) for the ultimate autumnal quest experience, with plenty of cozy cottagecore moments, plenty of mountains, and plentyyyyyyyy of walking. 😜 If you like baking , try Brave (2012) for a tart, sweet exploration of what it means to be family. If you like leaf peeping , try In the Forests of Serre ( by Patricia A. McKillip) for the chance to lose yourself in a mysterious forest full of fiery color and breathtaking magic. If you like decorating , try Ever Afte...