The Christmas Movies Tag

God rest ye, merry gentlemen, and God send you a happy new year!  My friend Rachel tagged me last month with a festive film questionnaire, and while I 100% squandered several golden opportunities to finalize and publish this post on one of the actual twelve days of Christmas, I've decided to fly in the face of convention and share my answers anyway.  Yes, even though Epiphany has passed.  I'm rebellious that way.

The Rules

  • Fill out the prompts (expound as much or as little as you like)
  • Tag some friends (however many or few you feel like)*
  • Have fun (this is mandatory)

* I would have done this, but since I'm publishing this post after the season is technically over, I've decided not to.  Abject 'pologies, etc., etc.

The Questions

1. A favorite funny Christmas movie:

Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) is low-key hilarious.

"She has four fatal diseases!"  "And it only takes one."

*terrific crash from overhead*  "Now I remember where I left my other skate."

"We ran into each other coming out of              ."  "Accidentally?"  "Almost."

"I bit 'im. 😃"

"Rose Smith, we can't go on like this.  I have positively decided that we are going to get married at the first opportunity and I don't want to hear any argument.  That's final.  I LoVE yOu!  Merry Christmas."

*20 minutes later* "I can't handle 20 men on my own!  I admit it!"

2. A favorite poignant Christmas movie:

The Nativity Story (2005) is nearly pitch-perfect, in my opinion:  appropriately somber and heart-tugging, with flashes of light and mirth and so many tiny details of gentleness that I could cry.  Some of the performances in particular really make the film.  The way that Stanley Townsend (as Zechariah) and Oscar Isaac (as Joseph) look at their wives kills me. 😭

MY SHAYLA!!! *sobs*

3. A favorite romantic Christmas movie:

That's gotta be While You Were Sleeping (1995).  It looks like he's 👉leaning👉.

4. A favorite feel-good Christmas movie:

Eloise at Christmastime (2003) is probably the single most "feel-good" of all of the Christmas films I love.  It's bright, delicious, low-stakes fun.

5. A favorite movie adaptation of A Christmas Carol:

So I am actually not a huge fan of A Christmas Carol, but if I am going to take the time to watch a version, it'll most certainly be A Muppets Christmas Carol (1992).  You can read all about my thoughts on that story and that movie in my last post!

6. A Christmas movie you watch any time of year:

Well, theoretically, any of them . . . Hmm.  Little Women (1994) is vaguely Christmas-y, but it also has a strong springtime feel and I'll watch it whenever the mood strikes.


7. A Christmas movie that surprised you:

I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that it surprised me, but Klaus (2019) turned out to be slightly different than I thought it would be.  Buckets of fun, just slightly different fun than I was expecting.

8. A favorite "but is it really a Christmas movie?" movie:

Technically, yes, The Lion in Winter (1968) is a Christmas movie, but it's certainly not very festive.  It is, however, magnificent (my #1 new-to-me film of 2023, actually), and I adore it. 

9. The oldest Christmas movie you've seen:

Like Rachel, I'm sure that that would be The Thin Man (1934), which is really only marginally a Christmas film, but which I'll still watch around this time of year because background vibes are still vibes.

10. The newest Christmas movie you've seen:

That Christmas (2024), which was charming and fun and witty.

That's all, folks!  I hope you had a most wonderful holiday season. ♥  I'm hoping to share at least one 2024 media wrap-up post before the month is out, so stay tuned for that.  Happy 2025!

What are some of your favorite Yuletide films?
I'm always on the lookout for new ones!


  1. Meet Me in St. Louis is HYSTERICAL!! My sister and I say Warner’s “I LoVE yOu!” to each other on a regular basis. From how serious Tootie is about everything (soooooo raptured by her dolls funeral) to Agnes being super chill (striding through the house in her swim things) to Esther and Rose being caught up in their own worlds (who knows whom etc.) *chef’s kiss* My favorite funny part is probably when they’re all listening to Rose talk on the phone and in response to her “What?” Agnes helpfully supplies “He sAiD—“ only to be cut off by everyone else. XD

    Speaking of squandering, I squandered my opportunity to use Eloise! ACK. You are right, that is the absolute most feel-good Christmas movie to exist *nods* I shouldn't love Bill and Rachel as much as I do. BUT I DO.

    I’m looking forward to your media post. ^_^

  2. This post may be a sign for me to finally see Meet Me In St. Louis. I've heard so much about it!

  3. Plot twist: the Christmas season is NOT over! The traditional Christmas season lasts until February 2nd, Candlemas Day! So you're not late, you're right on time ;)

    Love Eloise at Christmastime, of course!! Much indebted to you and Natalie for introducing me to it way back in the day. Klaus is extremely fun, I really liked the whimsical animation style.

  4. So, my kids were obsessed with Meet Me in St. Louis about 10 years ago. We even called my youngest "Tootie" for the longest time. That line you quoted that ends with "I LOVE YOU! Merry Christmas," for some reason, my kids misheard as, "I love you! Nuts." And we used to say that alllll the time. Sometimes still do. In fact, "Nuts" is kind of a little in-joke code word for Merry Christmas for us still.

    I showed Newsies to my girls last month, and now they are fangirling over Christian Bale (as one does), so I'm going to show them Little Women this week. Technically, they've seen it, but that was years ago, and so... if you hear a lot of squealing coming from this direction, you know who it is, and why.


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