We Love Musicals Week | A Handful (or Two) of My Favorite Musicals

It feels like it's been ages since I've really discussed musical theatre on here, and what better time to remedy that than during my friend Rachel's We Love Musicals week ? As the title of this post suggests, this will be a look at some of my current favorite musicals. Specifically, I wanted to focus on those musicals that I'll more frequently choose to listen to as I'm going about my day, rather than just the movie musicals that I'll more frequently sit down to watch, as the two groups seldom overlap. For example, as we all know, the 1964 film version of My Fair Lady is tied for my top favorite film of all time, but will I regularly listen to the soundtrack? No, because while I do like the music, my adoration of the movie is due more to its non-musical elements. (Of course, there are exceptions to this rule ā you'll find both Evita and Newsies in this post, but I probably watch screen versions of both of those almost as often as I listen to the...