Your Opinion Is Greatly Needed

Howdy, lovely people.

As you may have noticed, I rather drastically changed my blog's look.  What do you think?  Is it too stark?  Is the background with the books too weird/nerdy?  Let me know your thoughts, please!  I'd hate to have a look that y'all didn't like, so please do give me feedback.  (But, as a warning, I'm pretty fond of my new header, so I'm not sure if I'll change it, even if you guys don't like it.  Muhaahaha.)

I await your comments on pins and needles!


  1. I LOVE your new header!!! It's so gorgeous-the people, the trees, the black and white....
    It's perfect. :)
    The background is cute but I think it kind of competes with the simplicity of the header. Maybe a solid color background would look nice? But that's just me. :) Hope you don't mind my opinion! :)

  2. I agree. The header is awesome, the background is way too colorful, they don't 100% mesh well together. Either way, I will still visit!

  3. Thanks so much for your feedback, girls! That was my concern with the background; it seems to be fighting with the header. So, what do you think of it now? It may change couple times over the next couple days. Thanks for visiting, anyway!:D <3

  4. By the way you can make those birds disappear in the upper right from the original design, if you didn't know.

    1. Oh, you can? How? Do tell; I'd like to get those out of the way:-D

    2. Yes how? I have the same thing on my own blog.

    3. Hmmm. If I remember correctly, when you pick one of those styles that have something like that, when you go to backgrounds to select a new background, you should be able to click that thing that says "remove background image" before you select your new background from all the choices. I am afraid to try it to see if I remember correctly because I don't want to mess up my blog by accident! I will forget all my things I have already chosen! Hope that helps though.

    4. I use to use this specific layout for an old blog, and I use to be able to remove it back then that way. Not sure if they have changed it though? I haven't tried it in a while.

    5. Thanks! I'm debating whether I should remove them…we'll see:D

  5. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOUR'RE HEADER IS SO LOVELY!!!!!!!! *flaps hands in delight* XD

  6. Oooh! I LOVE it now with the new background. It's simply perfect. And personally I like the birds in the right corner, but I can see where you might not like them. :)

    1. Thanks! You're so sweet:D Well, I guess I'll just have to see about the birds. Maybe they'll grow on me;)

  7. I didn't see it with the books, but I love the header! The look you have now is nice -- clean, not distracting.

  8. If you could put a blog archive, because, you know, I kind-of want to read all of your past posts, that would be great.

    1. Awww, you do?! That's so sweet! I'll look into making that adjustment as soon as possible:)

    2. Thanks a bunch! Can't wait to read 'em all!


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