In Which I Tell You a Secret

Since I started this blog way back in October of 2013, I've been blogging under the name of Arwen Undomiel.  But, m'dears, that is a pseudonym (as I'm sure you've already guessed).  I do have a "normal" name.  More specifically, a name that I used to hate (ahem), but that I'm now starting to appreciate more.

Would you like to know what my name is?

Well, you don't really have a choice, hehehe, because I'm going to tell you;)

Ready?  *drumroll*

~  Olivia  ~

Yes, my dear bloggy friends, my name is Olivia.  

I've decided to start to blog under my real name, I guess because I wanted to be a little more personal=D  You can still call me Arwen, though, if you wish;)  Or Olivia, Livvy, Livs, whatever you'd like - I've heard most of 'em:)

So, mainly, just a quick post to let you know that you'll now be seeing Olivia when I comment on your blog posts, but it's still me:D

~Random awesome picture of Meg, because MESBOURNE!~


  1. Haha, as you can see I didn't see this post until AFTER I got your comment. :)
    Glad to "meet" the "real" you! ;) Olivia is a really pretty name!
    Haha, I love the picture caption. Because MESBOURNE!!!!!!!

    1. Heehee, yes, sorry about that;)
      Aww, thank you!
      Haha YES!

  2. You have a name! Cool! I think pen names are charming, but I always prefer to know a person's real name. :-) Olivia is a beautiful name! It always makes me think of Olivia Walton in The Waltons. ;-P


  3. I don't know why you'd not like the name Olivia, it is pretty! I would like to use my real name, but I guess I just decided in the internet world I use "paperdollmom" because I tend to share a lot about my daughter's disease to spread awareness, and I always feel like if I put my name to it, it is taking some of her privacy away. But congratulations on the big reveal!

    1. Haha, thanks! I think it was because I didn't know very many other people named Olivia, and I felt it was too "different." Plus, I really wanted to be named Rebecca. Don't know why, exactly, but I was seriously in love with that name when I was younger. I still love it:D I understand what you mean--it took a long time for me to decide to switch!:D

    2. I always wanted my name to be Lisa. ?? Whenever I played as a kid, I always chose the name Lisa. I have no idea why or where it came from. And I was named after a main character in a horror movie. So that is always a fun tale to share...not really. It is slightly weird!

    3. Haha, I guess when we're younger we just really want different names...strange how that works!;)

  4. Oh Liv! Olivia is such a pretty name! :D

  5. Ah! Love your name. So pretty, and it's fun to know it now. :D

    Also... MESBOURNE WHAT I loved that so much and now it's time to go watch Robin Hood again... ;D

    1. Thank you so much!:D

      YES. I'm just the teensiest bit obsessed with that show...

  6. An absolutely beautiful name, Olivia! I'm glad you told us. :-)

  7. I LOVE the name Olivia!!!!! I used to hate my name too so I know what you felt like!!!!!

    1. Aww, you're so sweet!:) Yup, I guess there's just always something we can dislike about ourselves...but Bailey is such a great name!0.0

  8. MESBOURNE!!! I just saw that ep, and wow, what a gut-punch. Loved it.

    She's in the new Cinderella, which I saw before that ep, and I spent the whole ep going, "She's so familiar..." Looked her up on imdb, and duh, that's why.

    1. Oh my word, YES!!! I was basically freaking out that entire episode. I mean, WHAT ON EARTH HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EVEN!!! Sorry, I still can't control my use of caps-lock when it comes to this show;)

      Eeep, I know! When I watched it, I kept thinking, "It's MEG!!!" :D

    2. Hee, that show does have a tendency to cause great enthusiasm, doesn't it?

    3. *in Bilbo's sheepish voice* Yeerss…I'm a bit obsessed;)


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