Two Things of Immense Importance (ha)

#1:  Happy St. Patrick's Day, lovelies!!!  

St. Patrick's Day (or St. Paddy's Day, as we often call it) has always been a pretty big thing in our household, since we're all slightly Celtic-crazed;)

We'll probably have a small family party later tonight, with lots of potatoes and music and such, haha.  Do you all have anything particular you do for St. Paddy's Day?:)

#2:  A little schedule for you

I just wanted to be honest with you all and say this - for the next couple of posts, I'll probably be alternating every other post with a book tag.  Sorry, sorry!  But…I just really love a good book tag, and there are a few out there right now which I'm really looking forward to filling out.  

Another reason - ahem - is that I'm a bit hard-up for post inspiration right now.  Ideas?  I'd appreciate them, I can assure you.

Random sweet picture.  Because Henri and Danielle.


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours! We don't do anything special over here, other than I cook corned beef and cabbage for my sister and me, who are the only two who like the meal. Not exactly traditional, though, cuz boiled cabbage sucks, so I always do stir-fried cabbage instead. Much tastier. LOL! We might watch Darby O'Gill and the Little People, for the fun of it!

    Book tags are fun!

    1. Haha, that sounds delicious!

      Yes, I think we're planning on watching "Far and Away" tonight, in celebration, haha;)

    2. Boiled cabbage doesn't suck! We have corned beef and boiled cabbage once a week all month long to celebrate :-9

    3. Now, now, girls;) Just a difference of opinion:-P Hehe, I'm just kidding; I like to see you guys argue playfully;)

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too! We don't do much in our house really. My girls wore a bit of green to their dance class last night and we went out to I suppose you could say we did that a tad early for the holiday! I don't think it is anything to say sorry about for wanting to do book tag posts. It's your blog, write about what you want to...otherwise it ends up not being fun!

    1. Ah, yes, we usually wear green, too:)

      Thanks! That's what I was thinking; I just wanted to be sure people weren't getting TOO bored;)

  3. Oh, and you could always start writing up more of that quote quest scene, turning it into a story to share on here.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I think I'll try my hand at that some time soon:)

  4. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm also a bit Celtic-crazed....I think if you have any Irish blood in you at all, you feel it. ;-D Are you Irish at all?

    Apologizing for book tags? What is this? ;-P For the record, I don't mind a bit!


    1. Haha, yes, I'd agree;) Yup! As far as I know we've got Irish and Scottish blood;)

      Heehee, good:D

  5. Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day! Although I have Irish in my family as well, we don't really do anything for it. I didn't even wear green -gasp-. Although I DID buy a Celtic Woman cd from a thrift store yesterday...I guess that counts for something, hahaha. Have you heard their version of Amazing Grace? It's soooo beautiful.

    1. Haha, that totally counts! (Plus--a Celtic Women CD!!!!) I'm not sure if I've heard that version or not, but I'm sure it's incredible! I LOVE their rendition of "O Holy Night." If you've never heard it, YOUTUBE IT NOW. I mean, wow. When I first heard it, I thought I'd been taken up to glory, if ya know what I mean. IT IS SO HEAVENLY.

  6. I just listened to it-it's gorgeous!!! Their voices are simply beautiful and unreal.

    1. I know, right?! How do they even do this. It's so incredibly gorgeous! I have to YouTube their version of "Amazing Grace" now...


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