4 Things People Say When They Find Out I'm a Vegetarian (and tag answers!)

Hi, guys! My LRtC review is in the works, but I have a feeling it'll be a while before it's up, and even when it is, I'm not sure it'll be adequate, hehe;) So in the meantime, I'm whipping up a quick post talking about how people react when they find out I'm a vegetarian. Now, please, I don't want to offend anyone in this post, but I Must Speak My Mind now and then, and so this one might be a bit more sarcastic than usual. Here goes nothin'! "Why?" This is the #1 thing that it's almost guaranteed people will say to me when they find out I don't eat meat. Sometimes, the people who ask this have completely innocent motives and are just curious about why I'm voluntarily an herbivore, and they ask it in a very polite way. But alarmingly often, people ask it in a tone that drips condescension and the clear intent to persuade me of the nonsensicality of my choice. Sometimes this comes from good intentions, but trust me…it...