Inkling Explorations {September}

It's that time again; Heidi's September 2015 Inkling Explorations prompt is in!  This time, it's a funny story opening in literature.  Well, naturally, the thoughts turn to Wodehouse, being the comedic genius that he is, but a few other people have already used him, so I thought I'd go with the opening to the original One Hundred and One Dalmatians.  

Not long ago, there lived in London a young married couple of Dalmatian dogs named Pongo and Missis Pongo.  (Missis had added Pongo's name to her own on their marriage, but was still called Missis by most people.)  They were lucky enough to own a young married couple of humans named Mr. and Mrs. Dearly, who were gentle, obedient, and unusually intelligent--almost canine at times.  They understood quite a number of barks:  the barks for "Out, please!" "In, please!" "Hurry up with my dinner!" and "What about a walk?"  And even when they could not understand, they could often guess--if looked at soulfully or scratched by an eager paw.  Like many other much-loved humans, they believed that they owned their dogs, instead of realizing that their dogs owned them.  Pongo and Missis found this touching and amusing and let their pets think it was true.

I know it's not dazzlingly witty or hilarious, but it's a charming beginning to a very clever, lovely book which you should readcuzit'sbetterthantheDisneymoviecoughcough ;)


  1. You've read 101 Dalmatians, too? My mom read that to me when I was in the 5-7 age range, but it was so long ago I can hardly remember it. . .

    1. Yes! I love it, I actually need to reread it soon. Seriously, you should retry it! I think you'd really like it:D

  2. Oh, man--I didn't even realize there WAS a book version of 101 Dalmatians! All I knew about was the Disney movie :)

    1. I know, right?! It's not talked about enough. Try it!:)

  3. Awww, what a cute opener! I read the book years and years ago, but barely remember it, other than that it's what finally made me realize that Cruella DeVille's name had the word "devil" in it.

    1. Thanks, Hamlette! Isn't it, though? I love it. Haha, yeah, I think that's what happened for me, too.

  4. I need to read this book!!! I wanted to ever since I heard about it (from you) but now I want to so bad because this opening is so sweet and clever.

    1. Yes, you must!!!!:D (Oh, was I the one who first told you about it? For some odd reason, that makes me happy.) Yes! And the rest of the book only gets better:)

  5. Someone else recommended this book to me years ago so I should definitely read as you like it so much as well. :) I think one of my sisters might like it, too. Off to the library to see if they have it.....

    (Btw, I don't think I've commented since you changed up your blog design and I love it!! ;))

    1. You definitely should, Heidi! It's charming:D

      Thanks so much!!!

  6. I completely forgot there was a book! Now I have to read it, sounds really funny!


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