Just a quickie post to let you know...

One--I've decided to try and become a little more active on Goodreads.  My account name is just plain ol' Olivia, and I'd love to start following more of you! *hint hint*

I steal pictures/gifs from other bloggers all the time.  Did y'all know that?  'Cause I do.  Aaaaaand that ties into the next point…

…I have decided, at long last, to take the plunge, and…

I got a Pinterest.  *fanfare*  So I need to know all of your usernames so I can follow and stalk you!:D  Also, I could use any helpful tips you might have.  I'm a trifle confused on how to navigate it and pin things and such;)

This was one of the first things I found and I kind of died.  


  1. I'm under Meredith Johnson on Pinterest, but there are probably lots of those! :D You could use this link to find my profile and if it doesn't work tell me and I'll try something else.


    1. Yay happies! Thanks for being my first official follower, Meredith!;)

  2. Oooh, oooh, you're on Pinterest too?!? (See the little rhyme I made there?) ;-P That's so cool! My username is Emma Jane -- I'm the one with the Woodrow and Gus picture. Yeah, the cool one with all the redneck pictures and the Dr. Quinn board. That's me.

    1. Hahaha, odd's fish, m'dear--you're a poet and I did not know it. Awesome! I shall friend you forthwith (I'll be Olivia Ann with Danielle as my picture).

  3. Oh cool! My username is Chloe Linn. I don't know how many of those there are, but here's the link to my boards: www.pinterest.com/iamlovedbyGod

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!! You got Pinterest!! 'The Black Hole' as my mom calls it!!! I am 'Maid of the West' on there.

    1. Yes! For the moment, at least. If it starts to become to addictive I'll have to stop but we'll see;) Thanks!

  5. Yay!!! I love pinterest!! My username is Abigail Bergel, and my profile pic is a vintage wallpaper with roses.... Ha ha!! That last picture though!!

  6. Oh, hang on. It's just plain Abigail. Gotta love it when you forget your username!!

    1. Oh, dear…I can't seem to find you, Abby! Could you maybe send me a link to your page?

    2. I'm following Abigail, so you can look under my "following" list on my profile and find her that way. :D

    3. Ah, thanks, Meredith! Found her!

  7. We should be friends on goodreads! Here's my profile link.

    I haven't taken the Pinterest plunge yet.... maybe someday. :)

    1. Oh, awesome! Thanks; I'll go friend ya:D

      Yeah…today I'm rethinking whether or not I should have done it…;-P

  8. Yay! I love Pinterest! My name is just Morgan Mickschl. :)
    I'd love to follow you. :D

  9. https://www.pinterest.com/morgannee/ Here's me :D

  10. I wish I had Pinterest. It would be so much fun! It's probably a good thing I don't have it, though, or else my school work would go out the window. :-)

    I would love to be friends with you on Goodreads! It's kind of hard to find me since there are so many Ekaterinas on Goodreads. So, here's a link to my page.

    1. I know how you feel--I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep mine. I tend to get addicted to things really easily, and since Pinterest is supposedly the birthplace of addiction ;) , I might have to delete it if I can't control myself:-/

      Yaysies! I'll friend you!

  11. https://www.pinterest.com/naomibennet/

    I'm SOOO glad you've got Pinterest!! What is it you're stuck on? I could help you - I'm a pinterest expert. :-)
    And you already follow me on Goodreads. :-) Yay!

    ~ Naomi

    1. Thanks, Naomi! Aww, thanks:D Okay, I just want to make sure--I'm SUPPOSED to re-pin things, right? Like, I'm not plagiarizing or doing anything else illegal, am I? :P


    2. Of course you're SUPPOSED to pin things! That's what it's all about! :-)

    3. Sorry if that reply sounded unkind or anything. :-/ I'm an older sister, y'see. I talk that way. :-P
      But yes, re-pinning is VERY allowed. :-)

    4. Haha! Thanks! (And no, don't worry; you're fine!) heehee, I was pretty darn sure I was allowed to...the fact that it changed the original poster's comment to be mine threw me a little, but I shall persevere;) Thanks again!

  12. Welcome to Pinterest. There is no exit, there is no escape button, don't try to resist. ;P

    My Pinterest is simply Laura Yackel.

  13. Lol it's me your anonymous commenter JH :) that stands for.... Jubilee Horton!! Follow me on Pinterest!!

  14. Hello! I found your blog through your guest post about Padme's awesome clothing style....just wanted to tell you I'm enjoying your blog!!!

    and yay!!! You got a Pinterest!!!!!

    1. Oh, hi! *waves* Thanks so much! That's such an encouragement to me:D

      Yes, I did! Thanks!

  15. Pinterest is a black hole. But also useful! I think my username there is HamletteTheDame, but here is a direct link to my boards/profile/whatever they call it there.

  16. Ooooooooh yes please! =D

    1. Yay happies!!!!:D Thanks, Evie!

    2. xD I found you on GR too!! Oh and sorry about the future influx of dr who/peter capaldi pics

  17. YAY PINTEREST. So glad you got it! Here's me: https://uk.pinterest.com/nonsensicalgal/

    As for the Void... I know it's talked about a lot, and I know it can be quite... ahem... unproductive, but I don't actually find it any worse than Blogger or the rest of the internet when it comes to being sucked in. In fact, my account gets ignored a lot of the time. So I'm pretty sure it depends on the person. ;)

    1. Thanks!

      Oh, whew. That's a great relief. Thank you for telling me, Sophie!

  18. Pinterest!! I just got an account this year, too and it's been such fun. I agree with Sophie that I think it's pretty comparable to blogger, etc., but it definitely depends. My username can be slightly tricky so here's a direct link for my profile: https://www.pinterest.com/ladyofanorien/ If that doesn't work there's also a link on my Brandywine sidebar. :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad it's manageable, haha. And thanks for the link, Heidi!

  19. You got Pinterest? Welcome to the madness!!
    It is such a fun way to spend time.
    My username is Rose Phin

  20. I am also trying to use goodreads more. I tried looking you up, but there is a ton of Olivias! If you want, I am paperdollmom. : )

    1. Wait a minute. I just realized I am already following and Olivia. Is that you I am following? LOL

    2. Thanks! Oh, haha, yeah, I think we'd already started following each other on Goodreads...I get your updates, at any rate, so...yep, I'm assuming I'm that Olivia? Hehe:D


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