Amazing Grace {2006}

"Billy, no one of our age has ever taken power."
"Which is why we're too young to realize that certain things are impossible!  So we will do them anyway."

All right, LET'S DO THIS.  

(I'm not even going to try to keep from spoilers in this review.  You've been fairly warned.)

Amazing Grace follows William Wilberforce while he starts as promising, charismatic politician of integrity ("Where are you going?"  "To look up the word 'integrity' in Dr.                's dictionary."), becomes a passionate and faithful advocate of the abolition of England's mega-franchise, slavery, and has his fervor reignited after his health and spirit experience a decline due to his loyalty to the cause.


I always forget just how special this movie is between watches.  I mean, I always know it's a special movie, but I forget just exactly how much I love it.

I think I'll just ramble a bit.  Kay?

SO.  William Wilberforce, or, as he's called in the movie, "Wilby" or "Wilber" (isn't that adorable?! :D).  I don't know that much about Wilberforce, because my knowledge of history is positively dreadful, but from various special features, and the little bit I do know, he was apparently the first man to start a number of clubs/associations/etc., such as:  the first animal welfare society, the first Bible study, I think I might have heard something about the first book club?  He was a dedicated, passionate spokesman for God and justice.  

…Basically, I want to marry him.  

Their FACES.

Oh, OH, and can we talk about these two?!?!?!  MAH WORD.  I just...

Words fail, and all that, but here are just a few more:  "Barbara and I have discovered that we're both impatient and prone to rash decisions...but she wants to tell you about it herself."

Whereupon I, as a friend of mine put it, "am a squishy puddle of goo" as the wedding scene happens--their looks as she's walking to the altar, and then the hymn "requested by the bride".  JUST.  SQUEE.

Did I mention that Benedict Cumberbatch makes an appearance, back when he was just a wee unknown laddie?  Indeed, he plays Wilberforce's friend William Pitt (Billy).

I just love the characters in this movie.  They're all wonderful:  great people, excellently cast and acted, and I like how we get to know each one a little bit.  I'm especially partial to Charles Fox (because Michael Gambon) and Thomas Clarkson (because Rufus Sewell).  Oh, and John Newton (of course) and the young guy who assists him later after he becomes blind.  They seem to have a sweet relationship :)

I love the part when Wilby and Thomas go to talk to Billy about their plan regarding the use of neutral flags on ships, or something or other.  "We just need someone really really…boring."   Clarkson is especially awesome.  (I just said that, didn't I?)  I mean, his lines!  "It's just a word."  "Sweet little…rabbit."  "Why did you wait for your butler to leave before you…came out of the box? *cracks up*"

And the butler…and Marjorie…gahh, they're just all beautiful, okay?

The movie is full of so many spine-tingling moments.  The above quote, for one.  And the amazing, glorious, tear-jerking ending.  It's so beautiful.  I think I'm going to talk a bit more about it in another post, so that's all I'll say for now.  

Long story short, I LOVE THIS MOVIE.  And you will, too, if you watch it.  So go watch it.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhh . . . this movie. THIS MOVIE. I love it. Sooooooooooo much.

    I love Wilber. I really, really do. He's just . . . amazing. (Oh, and the movie's not making it up, either--he really did do all that. I mean, it's a historically accurate picture. ;-) ) And you know what else? He is an INFJ. SO. HARD. I'm not making this up either! Y'all can go here if you don't believe me:

    I relate to him a lot . . . because I'm also very idealistic but not necessarily *ahem* practical. And that scene where he screams at Tarleton "You cannot drown out the voice of the people!!!!!" and then is just standing there, trembling, afterwards? Not because he's afraid, mind you, but because of the emotional after-shock? Well, I do THE EXACT SAME THING myself. Whenever I get really worked up about something, I always, always get all shaky afterwards and have to go calm down somewhere. Weird . . . it doesn't happen to most other people I know. But that's okay ;)

    Annnnnnddddd . . . I love Barbara Spooner. The end.

    1. It is such a gorgeous movie!

      I KNOW I JUST WANT TO MARRY THE GUY. No! Is he really?! That is so awesome! :D

      YOU DO THE TREMBLING THING TOO?!?!?!?! Oh my word. SO DO I. Whenever I finally work up the courage to say something I needed to say but which might have caused a tense, stressful situation, I feel shaky at the knees and slightly out of breath. And it takes me a while to calm down.

      Barbara is great ;D

    2. Yes!! YOU UNDERSTAND. That is pretty much an exact, word-for-word description of what happens to me in those situations. And it's hard to calm down from sometimes, especially if I'm in a place with a lot of other people (like in a classroom) and can't go be by myself.

      Rosie doesn't do that--she's much better at saying what needs to be said and just moving right on.

    3. Okay, girls, I just had to chime in when I read Jessica's comment and she said that the emotional aftershock "doesn't happen to most other people I know."
      I DO THAT TOO! I can relate to what Olivia said about if it's an instance of speaking up about something--especially if it's with someone I don't know very well!
      If something upsets me emotionally in any way I almost always get tremble-y and (quite annoyingly) rather tearful sometimes.
      So yes. You're not alone. :)

    4. Wow--good to know that, Natalie! Yes, that's me. A lot. Except I don't get tearful very much any more--I'm 21 now and it just doesn't seem to "happen" as much as it did when I was a teenager--but the trembling thing? All the time.

    5. Jessica,
      Ha! Yay, maybe I'll grow out of being tearful too, then! :D

    6. Natalie and Jessica, it's so cool that we both have this "issue"! It's great how you think you're mostly alone in something, and then you find out that other people know exactly what it's like!

      Jessica, oh, good! I'm glad the teary thing gets better. But yes, if I can't be alone afterwards, it can be really difficult to get my emotions back under control.

      Natalie, YOU TOO!!!! Hehe, yes, there's hope for us yet, isn't there? ;)

  2. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Okay, (upon the double recommendation of two wonderful, dear friends of mine ;)) I JUST watched this for the first time while visiting my grandparents this November. And then... I loved it so much I watched it over again (I think early in December) and THEN I actually received it as an early Christmas present (from one of those dear and wonderful friends)!! ;D

    To say I'm thrilled is a complete understatement. I love it!!!! :D

    1. P.S. All that to say, I was pretty excited to see your post pop up here and know you love it, too. ;D :) :)

    2. Eeeeeeeeee!! Heidi, that is SO exciting!!!! I'm so glad you loved it :D How happy that you got it as an early Christmas present! Isn't it wonderful when things work out like that?!

      Aaaaaaaahhhhh, happiness! :D

    3. Here I am, chiming in on everyone else's comments...hope no one minds...
      Heidi, I just had to say that your comment made me smile!! :D haha

  3. I haven't seen this movie in sooooo long, I barely remember it! I really need to rewatch it. Fun review, Olivia! :)

    1. You should definitely re-watch it, Morgan! It's SUCH a good review:) Thank you!

  4. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did it!!!!! I think that this is another movie that we need to watch together!!! I agree with EVERYTHING you have said here!!! And no that wasn't supposed to be quoting the movie 'cause I DON'T think that it is your wedding day!!!

    I had forgotten (momentarily, thank you for reminding me) about, "Why did you wait until your butler left to get out of"

    "Francis Bacon. I don't just dust your books, Sir".

    1. Squeeeeee YESH!!!!! (Hahahaha, nope, not my wedding day. I appreciated that reference ;D)

      Ha, you're most welcome! He has awesome lines (though, really, everyone does in this movie).

      I LOVE THE BUTLER. The end.

  5. I haven't seen this for years, but I remember that I LOVED it. My favourite bit is the "my deepest condolences" bit. :-D Great Review. AND YES, THEIR FACES. :-D

    1. Isn't it beautiful, Naomi?! :D Thanks so much!

  6. Oh, I LOVE this movie! It's so good I don't even know what to say about it. :)

    1. Haha, that was the dilemma I had when I was trying to write the review, Miss March! :D

  7. I've been meaning to watch this movie since FOREVER. It just looks so good!!

  8. AMAZING GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ahhh Wilbur . . . he's mah baby :) He's a lot like Jessica - I feel like I can really GET him that way. When we watched it together I just wanted to leap into the screen and start calming him down with my matter-of-fact presence :P

  9. I LOVE THIS MOVIE TOO. Basically it's the best movie ever made. :-P Great review!

  10. Finally, my "real" comment for Olivia. :D


    Now, if you think you'd like to know more about William Wilberforce, I would GREATLY recommend (like, I would shove it into your hands if I owned a copy and met you) a biography on him by Eric Metaxas. The title is the same as the movie. It's so inspiring learning more about him, plus the book is beautifully written. It's definitely my favorite biography I've ever read (I haven't read many yet, but hey, it's still fantastic).

    1. And oh, yes, William and Barbara--sooooo adorable!!!! And William Pitt. And just...everything. Yes. Okay, I promise I'm done now. :)

      ps. I cry every time when the bill is finally passed. :")

    2. Haha, I loved getting all your comments on this post, Natalie ;D

      YES I DO!!!!

      Ooh! I shall have to look that up; it sounds tremendous! (And haha--I wish you COULD shove a copy into my hands in person :D)

      Yes, yes, YES! They're all so fantastic.

      I knooooooooooooow! I don't cry every time, but I usually at least tear up every time. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUUUUUUUL!!!

  11. I am the EXACT same. I know it's a special movie, but tend to forget HOW special until I watch it again. I haven't seen it for a year or two now, and I was planning on watching it sometime in the near future. I like William Wilberforce (and I think Ioan Gruffudd did a superb job with him) and I loved Barbara Spooner (Romola Garai was perfect!!) but I loved them even more TOGETHER. :D They're so cute! Oh, and I also enjoyed Benedict Cumberbatch, of course. It was so sad when he died. :'( He loves playing those dry humoured, proud and smart people in movies, I've noticed. :P (Pretty sure he's like that in real life.)
    Oh, and the bunnies. They're adorable. ;)
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Yes! Exactly, Miss Meg!

      Awwwwww, I know, aren't they?!?! THE ADORBS.

      And William Pitt...yes, indeed ;D

      Haha, yes!

  12. Yes and yes and yes. Especially that part about forgetting how awesome it is between viewings. Happens to me too!

    Rufus Sewell cracks me up continually in this. And I always adore Ioan Gruffudd, have since I was 17. And lovely Nicholas Farrell, and spunky-but-sweet Ramola Garai, and Ciaran Hinds being all mean and grouchy, and wonderful Michael Gambon and perfect Albert Finney and adorkable Benedict Cumberbatch... everyone is awesome in this movie!!!

    1. Hamlette, yes! With this and with several other movies...I always know they're good, but then when I rewatch them I'm walking on air for quite a while afterwards :D

      EXACTLY. What you said. ALL of the cast members are just so doggone perfect in this!!!

  13. Haven't seen this one in a while, but you reminded me just how good this film is. Just wonderful and a fantastic cast! :D :D

    1. Aw, thanks, Faith! I totally agree--it's a really awesome movie. Just GAHH :)

  14. OLIVIA. I just saw this movie today, and it was amaaaaazing! I can't even tell you how much I love it! The more I think about it, the more I like it. Hopefully I'll write up a review of this myself sometime soon because it. is. incredible.

    Wonderful review, by the way! Aren't the characters in this movie the best??

    1. EEEEEEEEEE! Mary, I'm SO glad you loved it!

      Yes review it now please.

      Aww, thanks! They really are! Absolutely splendid :)


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